07 of April

Record number of good practices in Citi Handlowy

Career, Citi Handlowy

Record number of good practices in Citi HandlowySixteen of Citi Handlowy’ CSR initiatives appeared in the 12th edition of the Responsible Business Forum’s report issued this year. Responsible Business in Poland. Best Practices report has been published annually since 2002. This is a unique publication summarizing major CSR projects in a given year.

Overall, 403 practices were submitted to this year’s edition. The report mentions as many as 16 initiatives implemented by Citi Handlowy. New practices (published for the first time in the report) include the Aleksander Gieysztor Award, the Bank Handlowy Award, and programs such as Roots (Korzenie), Volunteer Worker Club, Being an Entrepreneur (Być Przedsiębiorczym), Business Start-Up, Environment System Management Maintenance, Energy Management System Management, and Good Life (Żyj dobrze).        

“Year after year, the Responsible Business Forum report includes more and more of our practices. This is an important message for us showing that we are going in the right direction and that our efforts are appreciated also outside our organization. We have been active in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility for more than ten years, and this has been recognized by our presence in the RESPECT Index,”
says Krzysztof Kaczmar, Chairman of Citi Handlowy’s Kronenberg Foundation, which coordinates among other things the work of the Employee Volunteer Work Program.

Responsible Business in Poland. Best Practices report is a prestigious publication, one of a kind in Poland. The report reviews CSR activities of Polish companies and summarizes major issues related to socially responsible business in Poland. In the report, the 403 best practices in CSR, which include activities, programs or projects, are broken down by areas defined in the ISO 26000 standard, namely Organizational Governance, Human Rights, Labor Practices, Environment, Fair Operating Practices, Consumer Issues and Community Involvement and Development.

Read the whole report on the website of Responsible Business Forum.
