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Data Privacy

Personal data protection

Our goal is to protect your personal data on the internet in the same way we do in all other ways we interact with you – for example at personal meetings, through ATMs, via telephone or internet banking or through e-mail. For more information on how we at Citibank handle personal data processing, please see also the Privacy Statement and other documents and listings published and regularly updated on this website.

The security of your personal data is our priority. We protect personal data and other confidential information by maintaining physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that meet and often exceed applicable data protection laws. We train our employees in the proper handling of our clients' personal data. When we use other companies to provide services for us, we require them to strictly protect the confidentiality of personal data they receive.

Citibank policies governing the protection of personal data on the internet

  1. When you visit this website you can find information about our products and services, read our corporate reports, check on further career opportunities with Citibank or receive other useful information without giving us any personal data.
  2. If you do provide us your personal data, such as your mailing address, e-mail, phone or fax number or, potentially, any demographic or client identification, such information shall as well as any information related to your business activities and transactions be treated in full compliance with our usual standards of the strictest safety and security, as defined under our valid business terms and conditions, privacy statement and other similar documents, as well as in compliance with the principles governing the maintenance of banking secrecy.


Our website use web cookies, which are a small piece of information stored on your device. Cookies cannot be read by a website other than the one that set the cookies. We use cookies only as strictly necessary to ensure the proper functionality of the website for example, to hold your session while you visit the page or to enable the video content to work properly on your device. Most cookies last only through a single session. None will contain information that will enable anyone to contact you via telephone, e-mail or mail. You can set up your web browser to deny all cookies but in such case our websites may not work properly. This statement applies to public websites owned by Citibank Europe plc, organizační složka located under and These web sites use following cookies: JSESSIONID - internal content management tool needed for the update of our site, gets automatically triggered by whenever a page is accessed and expires after each session ; Limelight_HTML_Player_UserId - Assists in enabling videos to be viewed on website and expires after one year.

Important documents