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Four Hungarian students receive Award in the 2011 Citibank-Corvinus University Program Case Study Competition

June 29, 2011

Four students attending the master's course at the Enterprise Finances Department of the Corvinus University of Budapest received an Award from Batara Sianturi, Citi Country Officer for Hungary, Dr Miklos Virag, Head of Department of Enterprise Finances and Dr Attila Fiath, professor of the Corvinus University in the 2011 Citi Case Study Competition in an award ceremony on June 28. First Prize Award went to Balint Mezei for his work entitled Motivations for Creative Accounting at Micro, Small and Medium-size Enterprises.

Senior representatives of Citibank Hungary and Corvinus University together with the awarded students at the 2011 Citibank-Corvinus University Case Study Competition Award Ceremony on 28 June

Sharing his experiences, Balint Mezei, first prize winner of this year's Case Study Competition said, “Participation in the Citibank Case Study Competition provided me with a great opportunity to get more insight in the operations of SME companies in Hungary, learn about accounting laws and regulations related to this segment as well as find out more about their motivations for using creative accounting solutions. My plans with the study is to continue to do research in this field and use it for my dissertation. I am very happy to win the first prize and I will use the funds to sponsor my further studies.”

Batara Sianturi, Citi Country Officer for Hungary said, “Financial education is a key focus area at Citibank around the world and in Hungary and this program is a good showcase on how successful a multi-level strategic partnership like ours with Corvinus University can be. I am very excited to hear how much students gain from this competition and our entire program. I also look forward to delivering a presentation to them along with my other senior colleagues from Citi, as being the only true global financial institution in the world we can provide them with an unmatched global perspective and some practical experience to complement their theoretical studies.”

Attila Fiath, professor at the Enterprise Finances Department, program manager at the University added, “The Citi Case Study Competition with a financial reward to best students means a great motivation to students to invest their time to enhance their analytical and practical knowledge in developing study works and use the funds from the award to further build their perspective and career opportunities.”

Second prize winner was Bence Nagy with his work entitled Research on the Organizational Ecology in the Hungarian Banking System, and there were two co-winners of the third prize in the competition, Richard Kiss with his study about Market opportunities for the femtocell, an innovation in the telecommunications industry and Andras Istvan Hodi with his study on RABA company in which he analyzes financial investors' acquisition opportunities in Hungary. Winners were selected by a panel of four teachers of the department based on a structured evaluation scorecard.

Citibank Hungary helps improve the level of education at the Enterprise Finances Department of Corvinus University of Budapest since 2004 and provides financial support to the department of Enterprise Finances to enhance the level of education. It also features presentations by Citibank volunteers in various financial topics, includes a Case Study Competition, as well as The Best Graduating Student Award to be presented to the highest ranked student of the Department in the 2011-2012 Citibank-Corvinus University Program Launch Event in October.

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