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Citibank Hungary's CCO Batara Sianturi launches the 2011/2012 Citibank–Corvinus University Education Program

November 14, 2011

160 students of the Enterprise Finances Department of Corvinus University will be participating in the 2011/2012 Citibank–Corvinus University Education Program in which Citibank Hungary helps enhance the level of education. This year's program was launched on October 27 at the Corvinus campus where in addition to presenting the Best Graduating Student Awards for two students, Citibank Hungary's Citi Country Officer Batara Sianturi held an interactive session with the students building on his presentation entitled "Citi: Navigating a Turbulent Global Environment".

Citibank Hungary's Citi Country Officer Batara Sianturi held an interactive session with the students

he program entering its eighth year provides financial support from the Citi Foundation to the Enterprise Finances Department of the university to improve the level of education. It also features a series of lectures by Citibank volunteer experts in various financial and banking topics related to the university curriculum, as well as it includes a Case Study Competition and the Best Graduating Student Awards.

The Citi Best Graduating Student Awards presented at the launch event went to Eva Dorogi and Vivien Reinhardt, who have jointly been selected to win this accolade in the 2010/2011 academic year based on displaying outstanding proactive attitude throughout their studies in addition to achieving an exceptional final grade.

: From left, university professor Attila Fiath, Vivien Reinhardt and Eva Dorogi awardees, CCO Hungary Batara Sianturi and Miklos Virag, university faculty head at the handover of the Citi Best Graduating Student Awards

Vivien Reinhardt, co-winner of the Citi Best Graduating Student Award said, "I am very excited about winning the Best Graduating Student Award in appreciation of the hard work I dedicated to my studies. I found the presentations by Citibank experts in the past two years very interesting and useful as they have complemented our theoretical knowledge by sharing with us their experiences building on Citi's global knowledge and expertise. I have already gained some experiences in enterprise finances working in companies in the banking and retail industry and I plan to further build my carrier in this field. My study plans include an MBA diploma in economy and finances, and the funds received with the Best Graduating Student Award will be a great support in this endeavor."

Batara Sianturi, Citi Country Officer for Hungary said, "This was my second year to launch this program in an interactive session with the students and I am very pleased to see how interested students are in the knowledge and experience that we as seniors of a global financial institution can share with them. We are proud to continue to contribute to the enhancement of the education level at the university as this is one of the key global focus areas in Citi's global and our local philanthropic strategy."

Attila Fiath, professor at the Enterprise Finances Department, program manager at the university also remarked, "I am pleased that we have the opportunity to continue this cooperation with Citibank building on the previous years' successes. As a professor I believe that the Citibank lectures as well as the Case Study Competition and the Best Graduating Student Awards encourage and motivate students to enhance their professional knowledge and skills beyond the curriculum, as well as contribute to the improvement of their future employment and career prospects."

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