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Three talented young Hungarian students receive the 2013 Andras Felkai Academic Award

September 12, 2013

Three talented university graduate professionals received the 2013 Andras Felkai Academic Award in an award ceremony in Budapest on September 11, 2013. The awards were handed over by Citi Hungary’s Citi Country Officer Mr. Aftab Ahmed and Mr. Tamas Felkai, representing the Andras Felkai Foundation.

Flóra Földi and Ágoston Reguly who are postgraduate and master students at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Márton Dósa, master student at the Corvinus University of Budapest will use the funds to sponsor their study trips and postgraduate studies in the field of economics and finance. Since its foundation in 2002 and including this year’s awardees, the Andras Felkai Academic Award went to 31 young professionals in support of their postgraduate studies.

Márton Dósa, one of this year’s awardees said at the award ceremony, “I am honored to be one of the three stundents from the many candidates selected to receive this year’s Andras Felkai Academic Award. I will use the funds to sponsor my study trip to Canada in the Spring of 2014 to attend a Business Project course in the framework of the CEMS Master in International Management (MIM) program ranked among the best business master programs in the world. I find the efforts of the Andras Felkai Award program exemplary and I am personally involved in setting up a talent management program for secondary school students.”

Aftab Ahmed, Citi Country Officer for Hungary said, “Supporting studies of young talented students is an integral part of our community programs at Citi. Through this Award program we are contributing to enhancing the talent pool in Hungary with open-minded, highly qualified professionals with leadership skills, a positive attitude and an international outlook.”

The Andras Felkai Academic Award Fund was established in March 2002 as a tribute to Andras Felkai, a highly trained professional and a prominent and respected member of the Hungarian financial sector, who passed away in a tragic accident. Citi Hungary, the family of Andras Felkai, several financial institutions and individual donors have also contributed to the fund, which is currently managed by the Andras Felkai Foundation, a nonprofit organization established by the Felkai family in 2012.

The annual award, which is paid from the interest of the fund, supports the studies of talented students and young professionals selected by the judging committee from the applicants based on set evaluation criteria.

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