Annex of the list of conditions for corporate customers on the outsourced activities of Citibank Europe plc hungarian branch office
Effective as of January 1, 2025
With reference to the paragraph (12) of 68. § of the Act CCXXXVII of 2013 on Credit Institutions and Financial Enterprises Citibank Europe plc Hungarian Branch Officete;ci út 80., registration court and court number: Municipal Court of Budapest, acting as Court of Registration 01-17-000560) acting in the name and on behalf CITIBANK EUROPE PLC. (registered office: 1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, registration court and court number: Companies Registration Office, no. 132781) an entity registered in Ireland) ("Bank") hereby informs the Customers on the outsourced activities of the Bank as follows:
Parties Performing
Outsourced Activities
Outsourced Activities
Binarit Zrt.
- production support services in connection with the Bank's software applications
Citibank N. A.
- collection and recording of information in the system Flexcube and validation of data in course of corporate clients FATCA and other due diligence procedure based on tax laws related requirements (e.g. CRS).
- Maintenance support services in connection with the internet telecommunication application used by the Bank, including storage and electronic distribution of e-statements
- first level reconciliation support: Upload and Automated reconciliation of Nostro account statements received from correspondents against the general ledger
- global financial messaging operations
- collection and preliminary check of the account opening documents,including: checking the change of the list of banking signers or legal representatives, change in the official data of legal entity, any account closure request received from the customers, sending any agreement related to the account opening agreement
- supporting the compilation of financial and controlling reports
- support and maintenance of system relating to internal transit accounts, implementation, support, licensing and enhancement services of the corporate bank GL/SL system, including especially: remote system support, releasing new versions and supporting daily system process
- support services for the EMEA Data Center Services, Desktop, Messaging and Mobile, Network, Internet hosting, Voice and Conferencing, CO&T Infrastructure and Direct Support (category II) expenses, technology and administrative services related to Quantum FX application
- Legal documentation services: 1. maintenance of data in Citi legal document platforms; 2. where applicable, warehousing of legal documentation 3. provision of the foregoing data and documentation for reporting and control purposes.
- providing information security services on cloud and traditional basis
- O&T Controls and Operations Regulatory Control
- software development and production support for MSST and TTS
- Maintenance of customer database in system for settlement of FX-, deposit-, placement- and fixed income deals
- Microsoft 365 Cloud-hosted productivity and collaboration suite
- global data tracing service provided by CDO (Chief Data Office) to drive and enforce data quality and address the challenges related to end-to-end data architecture
- desktop, replication, messaging&mobile, e-mail, office communicator, Sharepoint portal services, desgold and related services, data center, distributed system tape storage
- Provides and delivers end-to-end application design, development, testing; production support and infrastructure management to Citigroup's Global Functions
- Sanctions Screening Level 1 and Level 2 and Level 3 dispositioning
- Providing wholesale credit management controls service
- Development support for the applications such as AMC which are used by various countries for GFCID functionality
- on-demand electronic signature service, which provides online display and ensures the signature of account opening, account maintenance, investment funds and other banking product related forms electronically
- Credit risk management services and support with regards to classified credit situations across banking activities, including credit analysis and risk rating assessments
Citibank, N.A. Regional Operating Headquarters
- Post trade transaction processing risk support
Citicorp Services India Private Limited
- (i) financial Close and month-end accruals, Management Reporting and Financial Accounting, (ii) US Regulatory Reporting and Local Regulatory Reporting, (iii) month-end control of the balance sheet accounts, Proofing and reporting of the balance sheet, (iv) treasury Reporting-Liquidity and Interest Rate Risk Reporting, (v) budget planning and analysis, control of the variances, preparation of the management reports
- support, enhancement support and new development with respect to “eDealer”,web-based front and middle office treasury system for deal booking, MIS reporting and risk management; and “CitiTreasury Online Trading and Online Confirmations”, an electronic foreign exchange and money market trading tool
- service support for process mining for payment systems
- Activities in relation to CSDR (Central Securities Depository Regulation) penalty processes
- Operational processing of Trade Services such as document scrutiny for Import/Export Documentary Collection, Import/Export LC
Citigroup Global Markets Limited
- Citi Market Surveillance program activities, investigations, and related system development and maintenance
- Margin Operations services including calculation, contact the clients and provide the settlement
Citigroup Technology Inc.
- Issue invoices for the Clients of HU Direct Custody and Clearing
Criterion Készpénzlogisztikai Kft.
- Physical cash related processing and delivery and safe-keeping of cash and securities and other values
FX Software Zrt.
- Data-mining and preparing ad-hoc reports concerning the financial services provided to clients for business information purposes
Iron Mountain Magyarország Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
- digitalization, storage, safekeeping and destruction of documentation of consumer and corporate customers of Citibank Europe plc Hungarian Branch Office
PSC Cégszerviz Kft.
- reception and document handling services
DockLand Technologies Kft.
- document handling (document multiplication, copying, printing)
printing of banking statements, mailing them with other marketing materials, printing, enveloping and posting the paper based detailed statements relating to postal cash transfer order credits
IBM United Kingdom Ltd.
- Hosting archived former consumer database and scanned documents, and providing maintenance and support for data processing