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Full range of custody services, market leading solutions

Citi’s Hungarian securities services provides top quality custody services to market leading international custodian banks and broker dealers. The Hungarian branch is part of Citi’s international Direct Custody network, the largest in the world, currently present in more than 60 countries and continuously expanding.

CitiDirect® for Securities

CitiDirect® for Securities is a Web-based platform that offers analytic tools, transaction banking, dynamic information and other online services that securities professionals need to increase efficiency, reduce operating costs and improve performance.

Execution to Custody

Citi Execution to Custody (E2C) is an end-to-end transaction lifecycle service that enables clients to access the global presence and expertise of Citi’s Capital Markets and Citi Custody services through an integrated and efficient service.

Market Guide

Market Guide is part of CitiDirect for Securities and is continuously updated with content that provides clients with direct access to Citi's extensive market and service intelligence to support their business decisions.

For important regulatory information and disclosures