Local Contact

At Citi we aim to achieve the highest possible standards in the service we provide. We also know that things sometimes go wrong, so in this section you'll find out how to make a complaint.

1. Talk to us

If you would like to speak to a Citibank Representative, call us on Toll Free number 0 800 22 484 Or 0 800 22 567. If you have a complaint, we'll try to put things right straight away. If this isn't possible, we'll ensure your complaint is dealt with by one of our senior management staff.

For more information on raising your complaint, Please contact us on: +9626 5675100 Or 009626 5100446

2. Email us

Send us an email directly to Jordan.complaints@citi.com.

3. In person

4. If you prefer to put your complaint in writing, please visit our premises and put your complaint in the complaint box along with your contact details.

5. Send us your complaint via ordinary mail on the following address:

Attention: Compliance Department
Citibank, N.A. Jordan
Zaid Bin Shaker St.
Shmessani - Building Number 29
P.O.Box 5055
Amman 11183

6. Send us a fax at 9626 5674888

What happens next?

When you contact us with a complaint, we'll do our very best to resolve the matter as quickly as possible. What's more, we'll keep you informed with regular progress updates. We'll write to you to confirm that we've received your comments.

The bank will work to evaluate the complaint, address it, and take the appropriate decision regarding it, and it will inform the customer of the decision within ten working days from the date of receiving the complaint, The complainant will be informed of the reasons for the extension. If the need arises, our response can be extended to another ten working days if the nature of the complaint calls for this. In the event that the bank needs additional time exceeding the above-mentioned periods, the customer will be notified of another extension, which will not exceed an additional ten working days.

If the Bank's response to the complaint is not to the Customer’s satisfaction, the Customer shall have the right to resort to the courts or the Central Bank of Jordan via the means provided on the Central bank of Jordan website: http://www.cbj.gov.jo under Financial Consumer Protection tab.