2017 Global Citizenship Report Executive Summary

CASE STUDY Spotlight on Ethics Citi shares the results of ethics investigations with employees through a quarterly communication called “Spotlight on Ethics” that shows employees how their concerns are investigated and highlights commonplace areas where ethical lapses can occur. “Spotlight on Ethics” also includes corrective actions to demonstrate to employees that raising concerns leads to meaningful action. Topics covered in 2017 included conflicts of interest in hiring, the importance of maintaining professional skills, employees’ respon- sibilities to safeguard Citi assets and equipment, and the appropriate use of Citi systems. Conduct Risk Management Program Our global Conduct Risk Management Program is a key part of the effort to embed Citi’s core values and high standards of ethical behavior into our business strategy. This global program seeks to mitigate instances of conduct risk, including intentional or negligent actions of employees or agents that may harm customers. In 2017, we expanded the initial implementation of this program to include businesses in 84 countries, up from 44 countries the previous year. Beginning in 2018, an enhanced conduct risk assessment will be conducted annually using a risk- based approach for those countries that have already performed an initial conduct risk assessment. What’s Ahead We recognize that we must continually work to rein- force ethical practices across our culture. Our focus on ethical decision-making is not the responsibility of just one division or team, but rather is embedded into everyday business activities. As we grow our business, we will continue to evaluate our practices, ensuring that policies and actions drive our mission forward, and identify areas where we can improve. * AML, sanctions and anti-bribery training is a combined online training. Numbers include all Citi staff who completed the 2017 training as of November 28, 2017. (Employees and non-employee workers have 30 days to complete.) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WHO COMPLETED CITI’S 2017 ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING (AML), SANCTIONS AND ANTI-BRIBERY TRAINING (BY REGION)* 24,374 EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA 59,806 NORTH AMERICA 65,596 ASIA PACIFIC 44,654 LATIN AMERICA (including Mexico) 194,430 TOTAL EMPLOYEES Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report Executive Summary 9