2017 Global Citizenship Report Executive Summary

Human Rights Respecting human rights in our business activities has been a priority at Citi for more than a decade. In the last two years, however, we have learned important lessons that have increased our awareness and accelerated our response to these issues. We work diligently to ensure that the human rights of our employees, suppliers and those affected by the projects we finance are respected. Through our expe- rience and engagement with stakeholders, we have taken steps to improve policies and processes that will better equip us in promoting the full realization of human rights for all those impacted by our business. CASE STUDY Citi’s Response to the UK Modern Slavery Act We released our first UK Modern Slavery Act transparency statement in June 2017. Since issuing this public statement, we have formed a global working group to coordinate our efforts, bringing together diverse global and regional teams, including employ- ees from our Sustainability, Supply Chain, Human Resources, Legal and Compliance teams, including Anti-Money Laundering. CASE STUDY Stakeholders Heard Through Due Diligence Process Responding to human rights concerns often means taking the time to understand the local context and the different stakeholder perspectives through direct engagement. This proved important prior to a bond offering by Petropavlovsk PLC, a London-based gold mining company with operations in Russia. During our due diligence process, we discovered that a formal complaint had been filed with the UN’s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, alleging that an Evenki indigenous leader had been falsely convicted and imprisoned for his advocacy against the Russian government’s treatment of his community and Petropavlovsk’s mining activities near his village. 14