2017 Global Citizenship Report Executive Summary

CASE STUDY Citi Algeria Breaks New Ground with LEED Certification In 2017, our office in Algeria became the first corporate building in the country to achieve LEED certification. The project team worked with contractors to educate local suppliers about LEED and implement the requirements to achieve a LEED Silver certification for the building. The building has energy-efficient LED lighting linked to motion and daylight sensors, which detect the amount of natural light in the office space and automatically adjust the internal lighting to suit employee needs. Other sustainable features include Energy Star-rated appliances and low-water consumption plumbing fixtures such as taps and showerheads. In addition, 66 percent of the waste generated from the refurbishment was diverted away from landfill. What’s Ahead Recognizing the connection between environmental sustainability and employee well-being, Citi will bench- mark our design guidelines against wellness standards to elevate wellness alongside LEED considerations. We will also continue to minimize environmental impact across our operations, evaluating and using technology to solve sustainability-related problems. As we strive toward our 2020 goal to use 100 percent renewable energy for our facilities, we will continue to secure renewable energy contracts, incorporate onsite generation and look to innovative solutions where renewable power is not readily available. We will also address water consumption in our own operations as it remains a critical global issue. In our supply chain, we will continue our efforts to bolster supplier diversity by improving our internal processes and strengthening our external part- nerships. We will also prioritize efforts to meet our Sustainable Progress Strategy supply chain scorecard goals, including continued implementation of our CRQ and relevant training for our employees and suppliers. 33% of global real estate portfolio LEED-certified PROGRESS 22% 60% diversion rate of waste to landfill (compared with 2005 baseline) PROGRESS 61% 10% of water used coming from reclaimed or recycled sources PROGRESS 5% Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report Executive Summary 19