2017 Global Citizenship Report Executive Summary

Environmental Finance In recent years, we’ve seen increased engagement and international agreements on efforts to slow, and even reverse, global warming and build a more resilient, sustainable economy. From the Paris Agreement to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), one common factor stands out—trillions of dollars of investment is needed to make these shared goals a reality. For more than a decade, Citi has increasingly worked with clients to identify areas where there are business opportunities that also positively impact the envi- ronment. We’ve also strengthened our transparency around our reporting to better measure our progress towards our own environmental finance goals. Through our $100 Billion Environmental Finance Goal, the flagship initiative of our environmental finance efforts, we work to hold ourselves accountable by measuring, tracking and publicly reporting our activities and impact. In 2017, we released a new report, Sustainable Growth at Citi: Progress and Impacts of Citi’s $100 Billion Environmental Finance Goal , 3 to share our progress toward the goal and provide more detail about how we are measuring the impact of our environmental finance activities. 3 http://www.citigroup.com/citi/sustainability/data/Sustainable-Growth-at-Citi.pdf TO REACH OUR GOAL, WE APPLY OUR ENVIRONMENTAL CRITERIA Renewable Energy Water Quality and Conservation Sustainable Transportation Green Building Energy Efficiency Clean Technology 22