2017 Global Citizenship Report Executive Summary

A Business Model that Adds Value to Society Citi’s opportunity to scale solutions and increase impact is driven by the products and services we bring to market. Our core businesses, and the financial innovation that is inspired by our drive to serve clients and solve society’s greatest challenges, is fundamental to our mission to enable progress. This work is complemented by our focus on operating our facilities sustainably and our philanthropic activity, which are also important aspects of our citizenship efforts. Despite our progress to date, we know that we have a great deal more work to do, and the leadership of our company will need to continually raise the bar. A Focus on Ethical Decision-Making and Responsible Business Practices Ethical business practices are central to the success of the entire financial services sector. We place significant emphasis on understanding, improving and fully integrating ethical and responsible practices in everything we do. The How We Do Business section of the Citizenship Report provides more detail on how we do this and how we work toward continuous improvement. This will continue to be the foundation of all our activities and our citizenship efforts at Citi. Taking a Stand on Issues that Matter and Driving Solutions The need for companies to use their voice and influence continues to increase around the world. Over the past year, we continued to leverage our corporate voice for good, and we took a stand on a number of issues that matter to our employees, clients, investors and communities. For example, we issued statements on our continued commitment to the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement, our support of immigrants in the U.S., the importance of pay equity across gender and ethnicities, our commitment to doing our part to help combat gun violence in the U.S. and our commitment to tolerance and inclusion. That’s just the first step though. Where we can, we actively work to be part of the solutions dialogue—through stakeholder engagement, busi- ness- led solutions and philanthropic efforts—to address complex and pressing issues such as global warming and inequality. An Enhanced Focus on Transparency and Knowledge Building To successfully meet the expectations of our internal and external stakeholders as the scope and pace of what merits effective disclosure continues to evolve, we need to both communicate what we are already doing and engage in active dialogue to learn and understand what more can be done. We are committed to increasing not only our reporting efforts, but also the way in which we engage stakeholders in all our activities. This report is only a snapshot of our efforts to increase transparency and knowledge building, and we supplement our annual reporting with articles, reports, convenings and other thought leadership activities throughout the year. Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report Executive Summary 5