Global Citizenship Report 2017

CASE STUDY Companies to Inspire Africa Despite popular representations of Africa as uniformly under- developed, the continent is host to a diverse, high-potential private sector across 54 nations. However, many African companies need investment to reach their potential and to, in turn, accelerate economic growth and progress for people across the region. In 2017, Citi provided support for the publication of Companies to Inspire Africa (CTIA), a groundbreaking report produced by the London Stock Exchange Group. The CTIA report breaks down, for the first time, Africa’s fastest growing private companies by country and industry as they seek much-needed visibility and investment; it also profiles micro- economic success stories. The report includes a foreword by Manolo Falco, Citi’s Head of Corporate and Investment Banking for Europe, Middle East and Africa, and highlights Africa’s vast investment opportunities for an international audience. The report launched in April and was followed by regional events in five capitals across the continent. Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 103 CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION    HOW WE DO BUSINESS    SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT     APPENDICES Environmental Finance    Inclusive and Resilient Communities