Global Citizenship Report 2017

Citizenship Governance at Citi Good governance is a fundamental principle at Citi, and we work to ensure that we are at the leading edge of best prac- tices. We strive to maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct: reporting results with accuracy and transparency and maintaining full compliance with the laws, rules and regulations that govern Citi’s businesses. Corporate Governance Our governance structures, policies and processes serve employee, client and community needs and promote a culture of accountability and ethical conduct across our firm. Information about Citi’s corporate governance is publicly available on our website. Our Board of Directors aims to have at least two-thirds of its members as independent directors. Currently, 88 percent of the Board is independent. Additionally, the Chairman of the Board is a non-executive independent director. The standing committees of our Board of Directors are: • Audit • Ethics and Culture • Executive • Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs • Operations and Technology • Personnel and Compensation • Risk Management All Board committees play a role in providing oversight for our efforts to ensure responsible business practices. For example, the Personnel and Compensation Committee reviews all compensation programs, including incentive compensation, to ensure that they do not, among other things, encourage imprudent risk-taking. The Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee oversees Citi’s global citizenship and sustainability activities and perfor- mance. Our Ethics and Culture Committee reflects our commitment to promote a strong culture of ethical conduct. To review the responsibilities of each of the committees of our Board of Directors, see our Board charters. CITIZENSHIP GOVERNANCE Material Citizenship Issues Addressed Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee Addressing Climate Change Risk/ Opportunity Talent Attraction/ Development Human Rights Diversity/Equal Opportunity Ethics For additional material issues, see page 11 Environmental and Social Advisory Council Citi Board of Directors Committees Audit Committee Ethics and Culture Committee Executive Committee Operations and Technology Committee Personnel and Compensation Committee Risk Management Committee Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 9 CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION    HOW WE DO BUSINESS    SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT    APPENDICES Letter from Our CEO    Citi at a Glance    Citizenship Approach     Our Material Issues    Stakeholder Engagement