Global Citizenship Report 2017

Farjana | North America Farjana has been mentoring Rosemary for more than two years. When they first met, Rosemary was strug- gling academically and did not see college as a part of her future. With Farjana’s support, tutoring, summer school, a few extra classes and a lot of hard work, Rosemary graduated high school on time and is now enrolled in a culinary arts program. Mark | Asia Pacific Mark has been mentoring Lisa for the past six months as part of the Young Social Pioneers Program. The program helps indigenous youth develop, design and implement social impact projects that are providing innovative solutions to local community challenges. With the help of Mark’s support and coaching, Lisa took home the $10,000 grand prize, which will help kick-start her social enterprise, Yuludarla Karulbo. There are so many students who could really benefit from the advice and knowledge that a professional adult can impart, and mentoring can be mutually beneficial. The level of empathy that these young leaders and innovators demonstrated provided me with a great perspective on how to make a positive impact on people’s lives. Gary | Asia Pacific Gary has been serving as a mentor to youth for the past nine years through the YMCA Youth For Causes Program, where youth, with guidance from mentors like him, design and implement social entrepreneurship projects to benefit local nonprofit organizations of their choice. In today’s complex environment, we need competent leaders who bring their respective strengths and styles to build a better world together, and these future leaders need mentors to help guide them. PATHWAYS TO PROGRESS: CITI EMPLOYEE VOLUNTEERS Citi employee volunteers play a powerful role in our Pathways to Progress programs around the globe, acting as mentors, coaches and role models to young adults in support of their career ambitions. Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 113 CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION    HOW WE DO BUSINESS    SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT     APPENDICES Environmental Finance    Inclusive and Resilient Communities