Global Citizenship Report 2017

2017 Sustainable Progress Scorecard ENVIRONMENTAL FINANCE— Our $100 Billion Environmental Finance Goal: To lend, invest and facilitate $100 billion over 10 years toward activities that reduce the impacts of climate change and create environmental solutions GOAL METRIC BY 2017 PROGRESS Environmental finance goal $100 billion 2023 $57B Environmental impact tracking* Total annual CO 2 e emissions avoided 4.5M+ (MT) Social impact tracking* Jobs supported by renewable energy project finance and tax equity activity (includes direct, indirect and induced jobs) 104K+ JOBS Annual riders on transit system projects 10B RIDES People serviced by water-quality projects 43M+ PEOPLE Families serviced by affordable housing activity 4K+ FAMILIES ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT— Manage environmental and social risks and impacts associated with client transactions and our financial products and services GOAL 2017 PROGRESS ESRM Policy continuous improvements • Updated Citi’s ESRM Policy to strengthen requirements related to consultation of Indig- enous Peoples in developed countries • Created new Area of High Caution related to projects or activities with elevated human rights risks • Developed internal guidance to help screen for risks related to Indigenous Peoples and human rights Internal training • Worked with Citi training platform to integrate the Equator Principles Association’s e-training module, which will be available in 2018 • Trained 519 risk managers and bankers on ESRM Portfolio-level analysis of high-risk sectors • Screened our portfolio of midstream oil and gas clients to understand the level of environ- mental and social risk of proposed pipelines • Scanned all industry sectors in Citi’s corporate client portfolio to identify which sectors may present elevated human rights risks and determine if those sectors are adequately covered under existing ESRM Policy Monitoring of emerging risks & trends • Continued to develop the ESRM Watchlist to flag high-risk companies • Researched emerging technologies clients can use to monitor labor welfare and community opinion Building global capacity • Presented at a World Wildlife Fund conference in 2017 on how banks evaluate ESG risks in the seafood industry • Worked with Brazilian financial authorities on a greenhouse gas disclosure framework * These potential impacts represent the positive environmental and social benefits of a subset of our environmental finance transactions. 116