Global Citizenship Report 2017

OPERATIONS— Minimize our impacts across Citi’s entire portfolio of 7,700 owned and leased facilities GOAL METRIC BY 2017 PROGRESS Environmental footprint 100% use of renewable energy for facilities globally 2020 18% 30% reduction in energy consumption (compared with 2005 baseline) 2020 29% 30% reduction in water consumption (compared with 2005 baseline) 2020 29% 10% of water used coming from reclaimed/recycled sources 2020 5% 60% diversion of waste stream to landfill (compared with 2005 baseline) 2020 61% 33% of global real estate portfolio LEED certified 2020 22% SUPPLY CHAIN — Work with our suppliers to ensure that they meet high environmental and social standards GOAL METRIC BY * 2017 PROGRESS Establish supply chain policies: • Paper and paper products • IT hardware and e-waste disposal • Travel and logistic s Policies finalized and implemented 2019 Further socialized existing position statements across our Enterprise Supply Chain (ESC) and included them in our ESC’s Global Operating Procedures. Update Statement of Supplier Principles Statement updated and disseminated 2019 Updated our Standards for Suppliers in 2017, an interim step towards this goal. The next step is to formally update our Statement of Supplier Principles. Integration of Supplier Principles into master contracts Supplier Principles integrated into 100% of master contracts for suppliers 2019 20% of supplier master contracts include Supplier Principles. We are continuing to work with sourcing leads on integration into master contracts with suppliers. Corporate Responsibility Questionnaire (CRQ) rolled out to all regions 100% of suppliers complete the CRQ 2019 100% of top tier suppliers have completed the CRQ. We continued to systematize the embedding of the CRQ within the supplier selection process. Internal/external training 100% of ESC employees complete training 2019 80% of ESC employees have completed training. 100% of suppliers complete training 2019 70% of all suppliers completed training. * Previously reported milestone data included different completion dates. In 2017, we realigned our supply chain scorecard so all metrics are in relation to 2019. Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 117 CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION    HOW WE DO BUSINESS    SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT    APPENDICES Scorecard     GRI Index    TCFD Index    UN Global Compact Index    UN Guiding Principles Index    Assurance