Global Citizenship Report 2017

Global Reporting Initiative Content Index We prepared this report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core option. We also reported on many indicators beyond the Core reporting option, including disclosures from the Financial Services Sector Supplement. The following index provides readers with references for where they can find information in this report and other public documents addressing GRI indicators relevant to our business. Please visit the GRI website for the full text of the indicators and other information on the guidelines. DISCLOSURE NUMBER DISCLOSURE TITLE REPORTING STATUS REPORT SECTION OR OTHER DOCUMENTATION GRI 101: FOUNDATION 2016 [GRI 101 DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY DISCLOSURES] GRI 102: GENERAL DISCLOSURES 2016 102-1 Name of the organization Fully Citigroup Inc. 102-2 Activities, brands, products and services Fully Citi at a Glance 2017 10-K pages 4-5 102-3 Location of headquarters Fully 388 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10013 102-4 Location of operations Fully Letter from Our CEO Citi at a Glance Citi Website - Countries and Jurisdictions 102-5 Ownership and legal form Fully 2017 10-K page 4 102-6 Markets served Fully Letter from Our CEO Citi at a Glance 2017 10-K pages 4-8 102-7 Scale of the organization Fully Citi at a Glance 2017 10-K pages 4-8 102-8 Information on employ- ees and other workers Fully Talent and Diversity > Citi’s Global Workforce Citi may engage external service providers who may be responsible for performing a non-core business activity, or non-employee resources that are employed by an external third party but support Citi processes. These non-employee resources could be working under Citi supervision or be working under the supervision of an external third party in the third party’s facility. Citi may engage external service providers or non-employees for a variety of different business purposes that include project based work for a defined period of time, specialized/niche skill set that are not readily available, professional and outsourced services. There is no significant variations in employment numbers (such as seasonal variations in employment). 102-9 Supply chain Fully Operations and Supply Chain > Responsible Sourcing 102-10 Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain Fully 2017 Annual Report 102-11 Precautionary principle or approach Fully As discussed in the respective sections of this report, we evaluate and address risks as part of our Environmental and Social Risk Management (ESRM) efforts. Our ESRM Policy prohibits activities we believe pose risks to us, our clients and our stakeholders. This may include taking precautionary actions. 118