Global Citizenship Report 2017

PART B: DEFINING THE FOCUS OF REPORTING STATEMENT OF SALIENT ISSUES B1 State the salient human rights issues associated with the company’s activities and business relationships during the reporting period. Human Rights > Our Salient Human Rights Risks Human Rights > Human Rights Due Diligence in Client Transactions DETERMINATION OF SALIENT ISSUES B2 Describe how the salient human rights issues were determined, including any input from stakeholders. Human Rights > Our Salient Human Rights Risks CHOICE OF FOCAL GEOGRAPHIES B3 If reporting on the salient human rights issues focuses on particular geographies, explain how that choice was made. ADDITIONAL SEVERE IMPACTS B4 Identify any severe impacts on human rights that occurred or were still being addressed during the reporting period, but which fall outside of the salient human rights issues, and explain how they have been addressed. PART C: MANAGEMENT OF SALIENT HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES SPECIFIC POLICIES C1 Does the company have any specific policies that address its salient human rights issues and, if so, what are they? C1.1 How does the company make clear the relevance and significance of such policies to those who need to implement them? Human Rights > Respecting the Human Rights of Our Employees Environmental and Social Risk Management > Our ESRM Policy Environmental and Social Risk Management > Enhancing Our Training Operations and Supply Chain > Supplier Engagement and Evaluation Citi Code of Conduct Citi Standards for Suppliers STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT C2 What is the company’s approach to engagement with stakeholders in relation to each salient human rights issue? C2.1 How does the company identify which stake- holders to engage with in relation to each salient issue, and when and how to do so? Stakeholder Engagement at Citi Human Rights > Providing Access to Remedy Human Rights > Continuous Learning and Improvement C2.2 During the reporting period, which stake- holders has the company engaged with regarding each salient issue, and why? Human Rights > Governance, Policy Development and Updates Human Rights > Case Study: Stakeholders Heard Through Due Diligence Process Human Rights > Continuous Learning and Improvement C2.3 During the reporting period, how have the views of stakeholders influenced the company’s understanding of each salient issue and/or its approach to addressing it? Human Rights > Governance, Policy Development and Updates Human Rights > Continuous Learning and Improvement Environmental and Social Risk Management > Our ESRM Policy ASSESSING IMPACTS C3 How does the company identify any changes in the nature of each salient human rights issue over time? C3.1 During the reporting period, were there any notable trends or patterns in impacts related to a salient issue and, if so, what were they? Human Rights > What’s Ahead 134