Global Citizenship Report 2017

C3.2 During the reporting period, did any severe impacts occur that were related to a salient issue and, if so, what were they? INTEGRATING FINDINGS AND TAKING ACTION C4 How does the company integrate its findings about each salient human rights issue into its decision-making processes and actions? C4.1 How are those parts of the company whose decisions and actions can affect the management of salient issues, involved in finding and implementing solutions? Citizenship Approach > Citizenship Governance at Citi Human Rights > Respecting Human Rights in Our Financing Decisions Human Rights > Citi’s Response to the UK Modern Slavery Act Environmental and Social Risk Management > Policy Implementation C4.2 When tensions arise between the prevention or mitigation of impacts related to a salient issue and other business objectives, how are these tensions addressed? Human Rights > Respecting Human Rights in Our Financing Decisions Environmental and Social Risk Management > Policy Implementation Operations and Supply Chain > Supplier Engagement and Evaluation C4.3 During the reporting period, what action has the company taken to prevent or mitigate potential impacts related to each salient issue? Human Rights > Governance, Policy Development and Updates Human Rights > Case Study: Stakeholders Heard Through Due Diligence Process Human Rights > Providing Access to Remedy Human Rights > Continuous Learning and Improvement TRACKING PERFORMANCE C5 How does the company know if its efforts to address each salient human rights issue are effective in practice? C5.1 What specific examples from the reporting period illustrate whether each salient issue is being managed effectively? Human Rights > Respecting Human Rights in Our Financing Decisions REMEDIATION C6 How does the company enable effective remedy if people are harmed by its actions or decisions in relation to a salient human rights issue? C6.1 Through what means can the company receive complaints or concerns related to each salient issue? Conduct and Culture > Escalating Business and Ethical Concerns Human Rights > Human Rights Due Diligence in Client Transactions Citi Code of Conduct Citi Standards for Suppliers C6.2 How does the company know if people feel able and empowered to raise complaints or concerns? Conduct and Culture > Ethics Program Conduct and Culture > Spotlight on Ethics Human Rights > Human Rights Due Diligence in Client Transactions C6.3 How does the company process complaints and assess the effectiveness of outcomes? Conduct and Culture > Escalating Business and Ethical Concerns Human Rights > Human Rights Due Diligence in Client Transactions Human Rights > Providing Access to Remedy Citi Code of Conduct C6.4 During the reporting period, what were the trends and patterns in complaints or concerns and their outcomes regarding each salient issue, and what lessons has the company learned? Human Rights > Governance, Policy Development and Updates Human Rights > Identifying Human Rights Risks in Transactions C6.5 During the reporting period, did the company provide or enable remedy for any actual impacts related to a salient issue and, if so, what are typical or significant examples? Human Rights > Providing Access to Remedy Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 135 CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION    HOW WE DO BUSINESS    SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT    APPENDICES Scorecard    GRI Index    TCFD Index    UN Global Compact Index    UN Guiding Principles Index     Assurance