Global Citizenship Report 2017

STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT STAKEHOLDER GROUP HOW WE ENGAGE EXAMPLES FROM 2017 Investors • Group Calls and Meetings (Quarterly earnings, investor conferences and Citi-hosted group meetings) • One-on-one visits to discuss financial performance and ESG issues • Communications through Investor Relations and Corporate Governance teams • Hosted our first Investor Day in nine years to share the progress we’ve made as a firm and objectives going forward • Citi senior executives presented at a number of industry conferences for investors and peers • Members of the Board and senior management conducted calls with investors for input on a variety of governance and compensation matters Government and Regulators • In-person meetings, conference calls, lobbying activities, industry associations, public policy forums, press conferences, conferences and convenings • Membership on government councils and committees • Citi’s CEO participated in 47 meetings with regulators, central bankers and government officials • Participated on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Advisory Board • Hosted forums with mayors around the world to discuss development, inclusion and climate change issues • Participated in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s workshop on culture and behavior in the financial services industry Suppliers • In-person meetings, calls, conferences and workshops • Corporate Responsibility Questionnaire • Co-hosted events with NGOs and industry organizations and participated on panels to provide educational content to diverse suppliers • Hosted multiple events to create opportunities to engage with diverse suppliers, including the Supplier Expo, Chief Procurement Officer Summit and the National Minority Supplier Development Council Corporate Plus Summit Stakeholder Engagement at Citi One of the most important ways we fulfill our mission to be a trusted partner to our clients is by engaging with a wide array of stakeholders to gain their input and insights and share our expertise and perspectives. Our 2017 materiality assessment was an important step to identify and address the most relevant issues, but we undertake many more forms of stake- holder engagement throughout the year across our business. Annually, we review our relationships to identify any gaps and consider potential new partners that would be valuable stake- holders for the company and inform our citizenship approach. This analysis happens across various functions; the Citizenship and Sustainability teams, Citi Community Development (CCD), Public Affairs, Government Affairs, Investor Relations and other teams across the business review their stakeholder part- nerships regularly, as does the Citi Foundation. Sometimes this involves collaboration across business functions. For example, the Citizenship team works closely with Diversity, Recruiting and CCD to look at partnerships across our functions that relate to Citi’s diversity priorities. GRI INDICATORS: 102-40, 102-42, 102-43, 102-44 For more information on our recent stakeholder engagement efforts, please see the table below and on the next page. 12