Global Citizenship Report 2017

Ethics Program Citi’s Ethics Office is responsible for our Ethics Program, including communicating Citi’s values through the Code of Conduct, Code of Conduct training, and employee outreach efforts such as the Ethics Office Awareness Program and Spotlight on Ethics. The Ethics Program also includes Citi’s Ethics Hotline, work with our business and control functions to identify control enhancements, and reporting on significant matters to Citi’s internal and external stakeholders. The Ethics and Culture Committee of the Citi Board of Directors oversees Citi’s efforts to reinforce and enhance a culture of ethics throughout the firm. The Ethics Office Awareness Program is an employee engage- ment initiative in which Ethics Officers meet with employees across different businesses and countries. Through town halls and small group discussions, Ethics Officers aim to increase awareness of and confidence in Citi’s ethics process, address questions and obtain direct feedback on our Ethics Program. Since the inception of the Awareness Program, Ethics Officers have visited 20 countries and reached over 16,400 employees. Our Ethics Office monitors internal compliance with our Code of Conduct by investigating concerns raised to the Ethics Office and also provides an annual report to employees citing the number and results of concerns raised through the Ethics Program. Separately, we also perform an annual Voice of the Employee survey to gather feedback from our employees. Part of this survey is our Ethical Culture Index, which measures three items — comfort with reporting unethical practices without fear of reprisal, a feeling of accountability to identify and escalate issues, and manager encouragement of ethical conduct even in the face of pressure. In 2017, Index results remained steady, with 89 percent responding positively to Index items, compared to 88 percent in 2016. Conduct Risk Management Program Our global Conduct Risk Program is a key part of the effort to embed and embody Citi’s core values and high standards of ethical behavior into our business strategy. We continue to implement this global program across businesses and control functions to manage and mitigate instances of conduct risk, including intentional or negligent actions of employees or agents that may harm customers, clients and markets. In 2017, we expanded the initial implementation of this program to include businesses in 84 countries, up from 44 countries the previous year. Beginning in 2018, an enhanced conduct risk assessment will be conducted annually using a risk-based approach for those countries that have already performed an initial conduct risk assessment. SPOTLIGHT ON ETHICS Citi shares the results of actual ethics investigations with employees through a quarterly communication called Spotlight on Ethics that helps show employees how their concerns are investigated and highlights commonplace areas where ethical lapses can occur. Spotlight on Ethics also includes corrective actions, to demonstrate to employees that raising concerns leads to meaningful action. Topics covered in 2017 included conflicts of interest in hiring, the importance of main- taining professional skills, employees’ responsibilities to safeguard Citi assets and equipment, and the appro- priate use of Citi systems. In 2017, the Ethics Office also publicized an internal social media page that allows for collaborative discussion. This social media presence complements the existing Ethics Office internal website, which also provides employees with updates on Citi’s Ethics Program and initiatives. Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 17 CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION    HOW WE DO BUSINESS     SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT    APPENDICES Conduct and Culture     Digital Innovation    Talent and Diversity    Human Rights    Environmental and Social Risk Management    Operations and Supply Chain