Global Citizenship Report 2017

Public Policy We engage directly, and indirectly through trade associa- tions, with governments and elected officials around the world to advocate public policies that support the interests of our company, clients and employees in the countries and regions where we operate. In 2017, guided by our Political Activities Statement, which ensures compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, we promoted policies and positions on issues such as trade, cyber security, data localization, tax and financial reforms. Our Government Affairs team members complete annual compliance training, conducted by outside experts, on campaign finance, lobbying and gifts/entertainment rules. Under U.S. Federal Election Commission rules, Citi’s Political Action Committee pools the voluntary contributions of eligible employees to support U.S. political candidates and campaigns that support the financial industry and comple- mentary pro-business policies. This support allows us to take an active role in our country’s political process, promote our business goals and strengthen relationships with U.S. policy- makers. Annually, we disclose our U.S. political contributions online. We also provide extensive disclosure about our practices pertaining to political contributions and lobbying activities, as well as a regularly updated list of our signif- icant trade and business associations, on our Corporate Governance webpage. Our disclosures and contributions are overseen by the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee of our Board of Directors. We recognize that we must continually work to rein- force ethical practices across our culture. Our focus on ethical decision-making is not the responsibility of just one division or team, but rather is embedded into everyday business activities. As we grow our business, we will continue to evaluate our practices, ensuring that policies and actions drive our mission forward, and identify areas where we can improve. WHAT’S AHEAD Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 23 CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION    HOW WE DO BUSINESS     SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT    APPENDICES Conduct and Culture     Digital Innovation    Talent and Diversity    Human Rights    Environmental and Social Risk Management    Operations and Supply Chain