Global Citizenship Report 2017

Customer-Centric Solutions Citi continues to work on digital solutions that are aimed at securely meeting and exceeding customer expectations for service and simplicity while moving our industry forward. Technology also has great potential to empower customers with financial information and open up access to financial tools for vulnerable and underserved populations. Empowering and Engaging Customers Through Digital Platforms A recent survey Citi conducted found that mobile banking provides customers with important information that makes them more aware of, and secure in, their financial standing (see data in graphic below). To make our Citi mobile banking app as useful as possible, we turn to our customers to help us identify real-world problems our app can help solve. We then engage with them virtually while they are in their own envi- ronments to gather quick, authentic feedback about whether new functionality is effectively solving those problems. Using this approach, we engaged more than 21,000 customers in co-creation during 2017 and added 32 core features and more than 60 sub-features to the Citi mobile banking app based on customer requests. As we look to empower our customers, increase their satisfac- tion and enhance their access to financial information, we are expanding beyond individual apps, to integrate our services in digital ecosystems where our customers are already engaged. To do so, we are forming strategic partnerships with the digital platforms our customers already use, such as established social media and payment solutions, to make our services available securely, quickly and seamlessly. The following are just a few examples: • Through our partnership with WeChat — a Chinese mobile app that provides instant messaging and payment services for approximately 900 million users monthly — Citi cus- tomers in China can apply for credit cards, access account balances, request credit line increases and redeem bonus points, among other capabilities. • Using AliPay, one of the world’s largest payment platforms with about half a billion users, customers can make a payment to their Citi credit card or use a Pay with Points option linked to their Citi accounts. • In Singapore, Citi Bot — a chatbot on Facebook Messenger — provides account information and answers customer ques- tions. Using our iterative approach to digital innovation, we rejected two earlier potential solutions, one due to security requirements and another because customers didn’t respond well to it during testing. In response to customer feedback that they don’t like talking aloud about their finances and account balances, we continued searching for just the right solution, which ultimately led us to this secure and intuitive chatbot platform. 43% “I worry less about managing my finances.” 36% “I am more confident in my abilities to make sound financial decisions.” 26% “I save more money.” 71% of Americans who mobile bank once a week or more are more aware of their financial standing As a result of mobile banking, Americans say: MOBILE BANKING EMPOWERS CUSTOMERS HIGHLIGHTS FROM CITI’S 2017 INAUGURAL MOBILE BANKING STUDY * * “Citi Launches Findings of New Mobile Banking Study at The Economist’s 2017 Finance Disrupted Conference,”​​Citi (website), accessed January 2018, ​ Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 27 CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION    HOW WE DO BUSINESS     SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT    APPENDICES Conduct and Culture    Digital Innovation     Talent and Diversity    Human Rights    Environmental and Social Risk Management    Operations and Supply Chain