Global Citizenship Report 2017

Introduction 2 Letter from Our CEO 3 Citi at a Glance 5 Citizenship Approach Table of Contents How We Do Business 16 Conduct and Culture 24 Digital Innovation 32 Talent and Diversity 46 Human Rights 54 Environmental and Social Risk Management 62 Operations and Supply Chain Appendices 116 Sustainable Progress Scorecard 118 Global Reporting Initiative Content Index 131 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Index 132 UN Global Compact Index 133 UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework Index 136 Assurance Solutions For Impact 78 Environmental Finance 88 Inclusive and Resilient Communities Citi Bike Expands in New York City and Beyond, p. 96 Working Toward a More Sustainable, Transparent Palm Oil Industry, p. 57 Pathways to Progress, p. 110 Affinities in Action, p. 33 2020 Operational Footprint Goals, p. 63 Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 1