Global Citizenship Report 2017

Research by Citi Global Perspectives & Solutions (GPS) estimates that reducing gender inequality, for example, could add 6 percent GDP growth to advanced economies over 20 years . 4 At Citi, our employees reflect the remarkable range of cultures and perspectives of our clients across the more than 160 countries and jurisdictions where we do business — a powerful advantage that combines global insights with deep local knowledge and helps us drive growth and progress. We know we have more to do to become as diverse at all levels as we aspire to be, and we are committed to making specific changes where needed. For example, in January 2018, we announced new efforts to support pay equity. Based on an analysis of compensation in the U.S., the UK and Germany, we found that women at Citi are paid on average 99 percent of what men are paid, and U.S. minorities are paid 99 percent of what non-minorities are paid. This analysis incorporated a number of factors accounting for differences in pay, such as job function, seniority and geography. As part of this year’s compensation cycle, we made adjustments to help close these gaps and further our goal to become an employer of choice for employees of diverse backgrounds. We are committed to continuing to review compensation for pay equity and will continue this analysis in all other countries where we work. Managing Diversity A diverse workforce that represents a wide range of back- grounds, perspectives and experiences is an important part of Citi’s mission and is directly related to our ability to innovate and deliver results for our clients. Our diversity strategy, which we refreshed in January 2017, emphasizes a culture of embrac- ing diversity that is embedded across all levels, from junior employees to the C-suite. As part of our Diversity Strategy, we are working to set additional representation goals to drive the hiring, promotion and retention of women and U.S. minorities. Senior leaders across the company — including our Affinity Leaders and our Human Resources (HR) Operating Committee, among others — ensure that our programs and policies advance our culture of inclusion, and our Board of Directors reviews our progress and objectives annually. We engage with employees at all levels to encourage a diverse and inclusive workplace. As such, we have structured our Affinity model to be more closely connected to our business strategy and to promote individual leadership and employee development. 4 Citigroup, Inc., Women in the Economy II (November 2017), page 3, bL%2FzcJiG%2FgKE%2BRxwHcad8oQrgD1w%3D. Talent and Diversity At Citi, we continually enhance the professional development programs and resources offered globally to support the career progress and work/ life balance of our employees. We’re also committed to being a truly diverse company where employees come to work every day at a place that recognizes and celebrates our diverse backgrounds and experiences. To this end, we are setting representation goals around diversity, and our leaders are being held accountable for continued progress towards these goals. 32