Global Citizenship Report 2017

Representation Goals In 2017, our CEO’s leadership team agreed on an approach to implement firmwide representation goals. Throughout 2018, the team will work to set specific goals for representation of women (globally) and black employees (in the U.S.), working at the vice president level and above. We believe that setting goals will help accelerate our progress with respect to both of these groups. The representation goals are being developed based on an analysis of representation and engagement data for each Affinity demographic, and will be set annually by senior leaders with the support of historical representation data, future growth plans, market availability and benchmarking data. These representation goals, as well as other work we are doing around gender equality in the workplace, directly contribute to SDG 5 in support of gender equality and empowering all women and girls . Specifically, we are enabling progress toward target 5.5 , which aims to ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal oppor- tunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life. We are also working toward meeting other important metrics across other underrepresented populations. For example, the representation of employees of Asian heritage in the U.S. within Citi exceeds available candidate levels, so we are working to expand employee engagement and increase opportunities for advancement. For LGBTQ employees, we are working to enlist more allies and expand employee data collection to better capture employee self-identification of sexual orienta- tion and gender identity. 89 North America 35 Europe, Middle East and Africa 15 Latin America 19 Asia Pacific 5 Asian Heritage 9 Generations 7 Hispanic/Latino Heritage 9 disABILITY 9 Black Heritage SDG SPOTLIGHT: GOAL 5 Gender Equality CITI SIGNS THE WOMEN IN FINANCE CHARTER In July, Citi joined a growing list of financial services firms in the UK in signing the UK Treasury’s Women in Finance Charter, a voluntary agreement that companies will take key actions toward permanent and sustainable change for gender diversity at senior levels in the industry. Signatories to the charter pledge to have a designated senior executive accountable for gender diversity, set internal gender diversity targets for senior management, publish annual progress against those targets and also have an intention to link compensation of the senior execu- tive team to the targets. We have set an initial goal to have 30 percent of our senior management roles in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region held by women by 2025. We are also working to create better gender balance by recruiting equal numbers of men and women into our graduate programs. More information about our Women in Finance Charter targets is available online. EMPLOYEE NETWORK PROGRAM 34