Global Citizenship Report 2017

these programs. The Women in Risk Program, which was launched by our global Risk group in 2011, has also been instru- mental in building a stronger pipeline of women for leadership roles. More than half of the participants in this program to date have taken on new or expanded roles within the firm. Additionally, in 2017, the Finance group launched its inaugural Women in Finance Program, designed to invest in future women leaders by providing exposure to senior leadership and building a community of women in Finance. The Citi Women’s Leadership Development Program is also offered to high-performing female directors from around the world. To date, the program, which offers four days of networking and learning opportunities, has impacted more than 700 female leaders around the world. In 2017, the program began to integrate more peer coaching and exposure to senior Citi leaders. Employee Evaluations Citi provides ongoing feedback and support for employees as an important part of the career development process. Employees receive formal feedback from their managers through mid-year and year-end reviews. In 2017, we enhanced our year-end performance review process to include a two- rating system to increase emphasis on and further incorporate the Leadership Standards, in an effort to increase transparency around leadership coaching and feedback. This shift reflects the increased importance of individual leadership within the company to best serve our clients. Some employees also have the opportunity to receive multi-perspective feedback (MPF) surveys from direct reports, peers, partners and other co-workers. Previously, MPF surveys were provided only to senior vice presidents and above; in 2017, we expanded the MPF process to include all people managers. About 46,000 employees (90 percent of those eligible) participated in the program last year. In addition, approximately 4,000 managers who participated in training programs received a 360-degree performance review, which is designed to help these individuals identify oppor- tunities for development. The goal of both the MPF and the 360-degree reviews is to provide a more holistic view of each participant’s strengths and development opportunities, to improve their overall effectiveness at Citi. SUMMARY OF TRAINING HOURS Training Type 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Instructor-Led 5.2M 5.8M 5.6M 5.7M 5.0M 3.7M Web-Based 5.3M 5.1M 5.0M 4.8M 4.8M 5.1M Total 10.6M 11.2M 10.8M 10.5M 9.9M 8.9M Training Hours/Employee 40 44 45 46 45 43 VOICE OF THE EMPLOYEE We survey our employees annually to gather critical input on trends in the workplace and management practices. This feedback informs important changes in company practices. In 2017, instead of one annual Voice of the Employee (VOE) survey, we piloted three shorter surveys throughout the year called VOE Pulse. This format gave Citi additional opportunities to hear from employees on issues such as employee engagement and diversity. Our Engagement Index, which measures employees’ sentiments regarding opportunities for growth, job alignment with skills and perception that the company is making the changes necessary to compete, increased from 76 percent in 2016 to 78 percent in 2017. We also measured sentiment about diversity. One of our diversity items on the survey — related to senior management support for diverse employees and ideas — increased to 80 percent in 2017. In 2018, we will return to the traditional, once-per-year VOE survey format. 42