Global Citizenship Report 2017

SERVICE AND SKILLS Engaging with the communities where we live and work is vital to our business success. It’s also a valuable employee development and retention tool. In a survey of our summer analysts, almost 75 percent indicated that they want to work for a firm whose values aligned with their own and that provides opportunities to volunteer. In response to what we’ve heard from our junior bankers, we’ve evolved our volunteerism offerings to include more immersive experiences, including Volunteer Africa and Service Year. We believe these experiences enable our junior bankers to become better professionals and more well-rounded individuals. Launched in 2016, Volunteer Africa is an initiative that connects microentrepreneurs in Africa with Citi employee volunteers from select global ICG businesses. In 2017, 24 junior bankers spent five weeks in Uganda applying their professional knowledge and skills to benefit a group of 16 entrepreneurs. The goal of the program is to help grow the businesses and create much-needed jobs in the local community. The entrepreneurs are also able to pitch for investment from Citi through a dedicated fund estab- lished by the bank. Service Year, an innovative program established by Citi in 2016 for New York City-based employees, offers selected university graduates who have accepted a full-time offer with Citi the opportunity to defer that offer for one-year Citi volunteers, employees and community partners, as part of the 2017 Volunteer Africa program to work in a strategic role at a nonprofit of their choice. With a guaranteed return to Citi after their year of service, participants come away with valuable leadership skills and fulfilling community service experiences, and the nonprof- its benefit from the skills and expertise of some of our best and brightest. Given the success of the program thus far, we hope to expand the initiative to additional cities in the coming year. WHAT’S AHEAD Achieving our goals on talent and diversity will require active engagement at all levels of the company. We will continue to use data to inform our efforts and engage stakeholders that keep us accountable. At the start of 2018, Citi signed on to the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion (CEO Action), joining more than 350 CEOs and presidents committed to driving policy changes and practices in their companies that help increase diversity, including the widespread availability of unconscious bias training, which is now being rolled out to all Citi employees in 2018. We will also continue working with the UN on initiatives that advance gender equality, including with Citi senior leaders serving on the UN High Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment and the UN Women’s Global Innovation Coalition for Change. In 2018, Citi signed the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP), which promotes the equal and full inclusion of women in society, the economy and in the workplace. Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 45 CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION    HOW WE DO BUSINESS     SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT    APPENDICES Conduct and Culture    Digital Innovation    Talent and Diversity     Human Rights    Environmental and Social Risk Management    Operations and Supply Chain