Global Citizenship Report 2017

CASE STUDY Working Toward a More Sustainable, Transparent Palm Oil Industry Citi is a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), a multi-stakeholder initiative that includes palm oil producers, sellers, traders, retailers, financiers and environ- mental and social NGOs. Citi requires that all of our clients with business in the palm oil sector become members of the RSPO and, as such, abide by the organization’s principles and criteria regarding sustainable palm oil. These principles include commitments to conserving critical habitat, sustainable growing techniques, establishing fair treatment and pay for workers, and ensuring that neighboring communities have the right to free, prior and informed consent and fair compensation for any use of their private or communal lands. In 2016, we collaborated with the RSPO on fire prevention and management, encouraging palm producers to share maps of their concession areas to create more transparency and accountability with regard to fire and deforestation. As part of our Palm Oil Sector Standard annual review process, we requested that clients provide descriptions of fire responses, prevention and management plans. During 2017, our clients demonstrated significantly improved fire prevention and management policies and practices. To advance even more progress in this area, Citi attends workshops and accepts invitations to public speaking events to further engage clients and the RSPO, encourage the public disclosure of plantation concession maps, and demon- strate the value of remote sensing, improved deforestation and fire tracking tools. We are seeing progress. During 2017, Indonesia allowed the distribution of concession maps, and the RSPO has issued a call for all members to share maps with the organization. Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 57 Conduct and Culture    Digital Innovation    Talent and Diversity    Human Rights  Environmental and Social Risk Management Operations and Supply Chain CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION HOW WE DO BUSINESS SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT    APPENDICES