Global Citizenship Report 2017

Environmental Sustainability and Employee Well-Being Wellness is an important aspect of sustainability in building design, alongside more traditional environmental consider- ations, such as energy and water efficiency and the use of green materials. Our Citi Tower in Hong Kong is a significant milestone in our pursuit to operate facilities that live up to high environmental standards while providing employees with workplaces that support their well-being. The building has been awarded LEED Platinum certification, and in 2017 it was also the first Citi project to receive WELL Silver certification from the International WELL Building Institute™. The WELL Standard — which is separate from, yet highly complementary to, LEED certification — assesses buildings for features related to health and well-being. The Tower includes many wellness- related benefits, from water- and air-quality testing to a fitness center and workstations with ergonomic features. We’ve also introduced initiatives for our employees that emphasize the intersection of personal well-being and reduced environmental impact. For instance, our Drink-Up initiative promotes hydration, but rather than stocking our breakrooms with disposable plastic water bottles, we are converting the water fountains at our facilities to also work as bottle-filling stations. Based on the amount of water dispensed via the bottle fillers, we have avoided the use of more than 700,000 water bottles since the program’s inception in 2016. Each year, during Citi’s Step Up Challenge, we encourage employees to use the stairs at our buildings as a way to increase daily physical activity and improve their health. Participating employees track how many flights they climb and the number of steps they take during walking breaks at work. During 2017, 341 employees in 102 buildings across 22 countries logged more than 8.3 million steps and climbed 22,430 flights of stairs. Citi’s LEED Silver certified office in Algeria CITI ALGERIA BREAKS NEW GROUND WITH LEED CERTIFICATION In 2017, our office in Algeria became the first corporate building in the country to achieve LEED certification. The project team worked with contractors to educate local suppliers about LEED and implement the requirements to achieve a LEED Silver certification for the building. The building has energy-efficient LED lighting linked to motion and daylight sensors, which detect the amount of natural light in the office space and automatically adjust the internal lighting to suit employee needs. Other sustainable features include Energy Star-rated appli- ances and low-water consumption plumbing fixtures such as taps and showerheads. In addition, 66 percent of the waste generated from the refurbishment was diverted away from landfill.  Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 65 CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION    HOW WE DO BUSINESS     SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT    APPENDICES Conduct and Culture    Digital Innovation    Talent and Diversity    Human Rights    Environmental and Social Risk Management    Operations and Supply Chain