Global Citizenship Report 2017

Efficient Travel Options We encourage employees to use video and web conferencing technologies rather than traveling, whenever possible. When business travel is unavoidable, we ask employees to group trips together to manage costs and reduce the number of trips taken, and we offer employees the option of train travel whenever feasible. Because many of our offices are centrally located near public transportation, it reduces the need for employees to drive to work. To encourage use of these options and reduce the impact of employee commuting, we offer U.S.-based employees the option to use pre-tax dollars to cover the cost of commuting by subway, bus, train, ferry and vanpool. We also offer bike storage and bike racks at a number of facilities and sponsor bike share programs, known as Citi Bike, in New York City, Jersey City and Miami. At our car park in London Citigroup Center, we offer a dozen electric vehicle charging stations for those driving electric vehicles. Business travel and employee commuting are reported as part of our Scope 3 emissions data. Employee Engagement We work to engage employees in achieving our environmental sustainability objectives both in their day-to-day activities and responsibilities at work as well as through volunteer efforts and Green Team activities. Green Teams are employee-led groups that design and lead positive environmental initiatives tailored to their workplaces and local communities, such as recycling drives, volunteer projects, informative lectures and awareness campaigns. We have 20 Green Teams, with more than 1,300 employees, operating around the world. In 2017, these Green Teams held 150 volunteer and educational events, resulting in more than 2,500 volunteer hours dedicated to helping communities. Each year, our company participates in World Wildlife Fund’s Earth Hour . In March 2017, more than 3,000 Citi facilities in 95 countries turned off the lights between 8:30 and 9:30 pm local time. This is the 10th consecutive year that Citi has partic- ipated in the event, and we achieved record participation rates, with more than 75 percent of facilities joining in. In addition, in recognition of Earth Day, Citi hosted environmental and sustainability events during the month of April. Employees organized 140 events across all Citi regions, and more than 3,200 employees globally participated. For example: • More than 100 volunteers in the state of Michoacán in Mexico collected garbage on the island of Janitzio, famous for its celebration of Día de los Muertos or Day of the Dead. The site accumulates a tremendous amount of trash from tourism, and volunteers collected nearly 1.5 tons of waste in just over three hours. • Nearly 90 volunteers in Costa Rica visited the Irazú Volcano to clean trails, paint railings and repair roads. • In the Philippines, a Citi employee organized a coastal and underwater cleanup with more than 50 volunteers, collect- ing more than 1,600 pounds of trash. • In New York City, employees led a park cleanup with New York Cares. More than 180 volunteers worked to remove invasive species and debris from several ecologically sen- sitive areas, mulch pathways, plant seedlings and spread milkweed for monarch butterflies. Citi Green Team from Mexico collecting garbage on the island of Janitzio Citi Green Team revitalizing a park in New York City 66