Global Citizenship Report 2017

Supplier Training and Development Citi works to build supplier capacity through training and development opportunities. In 2017, we partnered with several organizations, including the Women Presidents’ Educational Organization, New York City Small Business Services’ Corporate Alliance Program, the New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council and the National Minority Supplier Development Council, to co-host events and participate on panels that provide educational content to certified diverse suppliers. Topics at these events included subcontracting and Tier 2 opportunities, sustain- able supply chain practices and transformational leadership. During 2017, Citi also completed a two-year, in-depth mentor- ing and training program in partnership with the New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council, Rutgers University, Covenant Business Concepts, and other corporate sponsors. During the program, Citi provided one-on-one coaching for two minority- and women-owned businesses, provided learn- ing sessions on sustainability and transformational leadership and hosted a debrief data collection session. We have committed to participate in a second round of mentorship and training through this program beginning in 2018. Supplier Diversity Our ESC organization sets clear supplier diversity goals and embeds them in our supplier selection processes. In addition, the Citi Supply Chain Development, Inclusion and Sustainability Program gives U.S. small businesses and women-, veteran-, disability- and minority-owned firms access to business opportu- nities, education, mentoring and training. Working with a range of supplier-focused organizations, we identify small and diverse suppliers that can meet our supply chain needs and then help build these suppliers’ capacity. During 2017, we hosted an on-site Supplier Expo, creating an opportunity for diverse businesses to share their capabilities with Citi sourcing professionals and internal lines of business. We also pledged, along with other multinational companies at the 2017 Global Citizen Festival, to procure an additional $100 million from women-owned busi- nesses over the next three years, especially from firms located in developing markets. Broad engagement with other organizations helps us strengthen our own supplier diversity efforts and advance the conversation more broadly. The following are just a few examples of Citi’s supplier diversity-related engagements in 2017: • Participated in the inaugural Women’s Economic Empowerment Global Summit • Hosted the seventh-annual Sustainability Symposium in partnership with the New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council, bringing together representatives from Fortune 500 companies, government and academia to discuss the importance of incorporating sustainability initiatives into supply chain business practices • Worked with the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) to simultaneously host the Chief Pro- curement Officer Summit and the NMSDC Corporate Plus Summit; this combined event brought together procure- ment thought leaders discussing best practices in supply chain management (including diversity) with NMSDC- certified minority-owned businesses $769M Total amount spent on Tier 1 and 2 diverse suppliers in 2017 ($488 million direct spend to Tier 1 only) $100M Amount Citi pledged to procure from women-owned businesses over the next three years, especially from firms located in developing markets 70