Global Citizenship Report 2017

Partnerships are critical as we work to expand the Citi Supply Chain Development, Inclusion and Sustainability Program beyond the U.S. In 2017, we continued our engagement with Supply Nation in Australia and maintained our memberships with Minority Supplier Development UK, the Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council (CAMSC) and WEConnect International, a global organization dedicated to the advancement of women-owned businesses. For each of these partnerships, there is a designated regional champion to oversee and support the relationship on a local basis. In Canada, our engagement with WEConnect and CAMSC has resulted in a 20 percent increase in business with diverse suppliers over 2016. We also worked with UN Women to help produce The Power of Procurement: How to Source from Women-Owned Businesses . WHAT’S AHEAD Citi’s Supplier Awards recognize suppliers that share Citi’s values, provide exemplary products and services, and consistently demonstrate a partnership built on mutual trust and value contribution to Citi. In 2017, three out of the seven Citi Supplier Awards went to diverse suppliers. DIVERSITY PARTNER AWARD Professional Translating Services CITILEAN PARTNER AWARD SHI International INNOVATION PARTNER AWARD First Financial Network Recognizing the connection between environmental sustainability and employee well-being, Citi will bench- mark our design guidelines against wellness standards to elevate wellness alongside LEED considerations. We will also continue to minimize environmental impact across our operations, evaluating and using technology to solve sustainability-related problems. As we strive toward our 2020 goal to use 100 percent renewable energy for our facilities, we will continue to secure renewable energy contracts, incorporate onsite generation and look for innovative solutions where renewable power is not readily available. We will also address water consumption in our own opera- tions as it remains a critical global issue. In our supply chain, we will continue our efforts to bolster supplier diversity by improving our internal processes and strengthening our external partner- ships. We will also prioritize efforts to meet our Sustainable Progress Strategy supply chain score- card goals, including continued implementation of our CRQ and relevant training for our employees and suppliers. DIVERSE SUPPLIERS RECOGNIZED Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 71 CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION    HOW WE DO BUSINESS     SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT    APPENDICES Conduct and Culture    Digital Innovation    Talent and Diversity    Human Rights    Environmental and Social Risk Management    Operations and Supply Chain