Global Citizenship Report 2017

GHG Emissions (Scope 1 & 2) by Region Region Scope 1 CO 2 e (mt) Scope 2 CO 2 e Total CO 2 e Location-Based (mt) Market-Based † (mt) Location-Based (mt) Market-Based (mt) North America 13,610 327,832 243,494 341,441 257,104 Latin America 2,302 115,272 84,909 117,573 87,211 Asia Pacific 1,511 193,217 189,346 194,728 190,857 Europe, Middle East & Africa 3,675 63,932 51,091 67,607 54,766 Regional Operational Environmental Performance Region GHG Emissions Total Consumption Total Waste Location-Based (mt) Market-Based (mt) Energy (GWh) Water (m 3 ) (mt) North America 341,441 257,104 802 2,484,810 15,690 Latin America 117,573 87,211 285 1,070,294 10,735 Asia Pacific 194,728 190,857 307 818,997 6,581 Europe, Middle East & Africa 67,607 54,766 180 384,822 3,725 Electricity Consumption Amounts Applied to Market-Based Emission Factor Types Emissions Factor Basis Electricity (kWh) Steam (kWh) Chilled Water (kWh) Total (kWh) % Total Consumption (kWh) RECs or Other Energy Attribute Certificate 191,591,559 0 0 191,591,559 13% PPA or Source Contract 108,048,154 0 0 108,048,154 7% Supplier Specific 138,960,450 0 7,928,970 146,889,420 10% Steam Default 0 27,824,759 0 27,824,759 2% Residual Mix 30,741,801 0 4,619 30,746,420 2% Grid Average 956,443,354 0 19,478,138 975,921,492 66% Total 1,425,785,317 27,824,759 27,411,727 1,481,021,803 100% † The Scope 2 Quality Criteria have been met for the instruments used in the calculation. Figures may not sum to total due to rounding. Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 73 CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION    HOW WE DO BUSINESS     SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT    APPENDICES Conduct and Culture    Digital Innovation    Talent and Diversity    Human Rights    Environmental and Social Risk Management    Operations and Supply Chain