Global Citizenship Report 2017

ALL CITI EMPLOYEES HELD ACCOUNTABLE TO LEADERSHIP STANDARDS Beginning in 2017, as part of the employee evaluation process, and in addition to being assessed based on their individual goals, Citi employees also receive feedback and a rating specifically aligned with our Leadership Standards. The Standards, which we first established in 2015, are the measurable skills, abilities and knowledge that all Citi employees should demonstrate to be successful leaders at Citi, and each is aligned with our Mission and Value Proposition and reinforces our approach to citizenship. This approach to employee performance assessment — looking at both individual goals and leadership — elevates our focus on leadership across all levels of the company and sets the stage for more focused and honest conversations on both the “what” and the “how” of an employee’s contributions. The following offers a high-level look at our Leadership Standards: Develops Our People Builds talent and teams for Citi by creating a culture of meritocracy and transparency and by celebrating excel- lence, initiative and courage. Drive Value for Clients Enables economic value and positive social impact for clients, companies, governments and communities. Works as a Partner Works collaboratively across the firm and encourages others to achieve the best results for Citi and our clients. Champions Progress Champions a culture of high standards, pushes for prog- ress, embraces change and challenges the status quo in support of Citi’s vision and global strategy. Lives Our Values Ensures systemically responsible outcomes while driving performance and balancing short- and long-term risk. Delivers Results Sets high standards and achieves performance objectives by creating a clear path toward ethical and sustainable results. in the workforce and in our communities, our commit- ment to doing our part to help combat gun violence in the U.S., the importance of pay equity across genders and ethnicities, and our commitment to tolerance and racial and ethnic inclusion at a time when basic rights and freedoms are being called into question. Speaking out, however, is often just the first step. Where we can, we actively work to be part of the solutions to very complex and pressing issues such as global warming and social inequality. Through our engagement efforts with a wide range of stakeholders, as well as through our business-led solutions and our philanthropic activities, we aim to make a positive and meaningful contribution to the problems at hand. An Enhanced Focus on Transparency and Knowledge Building To successfully meet the expectations of our internal and external stakeholders as the scope and pace of what merits effective disclosure continues to evolve, we need to both communicate what we are already doing and engage in active dialogue to learn and understand what more can be done. We are committed to increasing not only our reporting efforts, but also the way in which we engage stakeholders in all of our activities. We continue to actively increase our involvement in creating solutions to some of the world’s most complex and pressing challenges. This report is only a snapshot of our efforts to increase transparency and knowledge building, and we supplement our annual reporting with articles, reports, convenings and other thought leader- ship activities throughout the year. 6