Global Citizenship Report 2017

ENVIRONMENTAL FINANCE IN SUPPORT OF THE SDGS Much of our work that counts toward our $100 Billion Environmental Finance Goal is also directly aligned with three of the Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 7, which seeks to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all ; SDG 11, which aims to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable ; and SDG 13, which contributes to urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts . For example, target 7.2 , to increase the share of renew- able energy in the global energy mix by 2030 , and target 7.3 , to double the global rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030, are both directly aligned with the objectives of our $100 billion goal. As part of our goal, we facilitate the financing of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects — areas that make up two of the six criteria of the goal, accounting for $36.3 billion and $800 million, respectively, in 2017. The $100 billion goal also directly contributes to SDG target 11.2 — which aims to provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all — thanks to our investments in sustainable transit, another of the key criteria of our goal. In 2017, financing for sustainable transit projects contributed $5.1 billion toward our goal. While SDG 13 is focused on the wider response to a chang- ing climate, several of our investments, including municipal bond underwriting and activities supporting water quality and conservation projects, deliver on SDG target 13.1 , which aims in part to strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards . $100 BILLION ENVIRONMENTAL FINANCE GOAL: FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS, 2014–2017 $9.3 B ** in green bonds $2.0 B in green building $36.3 B in renewable energy $5.1 B in sustainable transportation $6.3 B in water quality and conservation * Transactions fall within multiple categories of reporting. For complete data, see page 85. **Includes green portion of sustainability bonds when information is available. $11.8 B in public finance $57.0 B toward the $100B Environmental Finance Goal * RESULTED IN SDG SPOTLIGHT: GOAL 7 Affordable and Clean Energy SDG SPOTLIGHT: GOAL 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities SDG SPOTLIGHT: GOAL 13 Climate Action Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 79 CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION    HOW WE DO BUSINESS    SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT     APPENDICES Environmental Finance     Inclusive and Resilient Communities