Global Citizenship Report 2017

RESPONDING TO NATURAL DISASTERS AROUND THE GLOBE In 2017, millions of people were affected by a barrage of extreme weather events and disasters, including devastating hurricanes that hit the U.S. and Caribbean, earthquakes in Mexico, wildfires in California and flooding in South Asia. Citi and the Citi Foundation responded with a combination of grant investments, employee and client fundraising, volunteerism and in-kind donations. In response to Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, the Citi Foundation contributed $2.25 million to the Red Cross’s relief and recovery efforts. In addition, Citi employees and clients contributed more than $600,000 through online fundraising channels. Employees also donated their time volunteering. For example, employees delivered 22 tons of food and supplies to colleagues in Puerto Rico in the first weeks after the storm. Citi also stepped up to create a unique form of aid to the American Red Cross — call center assistance during a time of increased volume. Over a two-week period, Citi Call Center employees answered 1,800 Red Cross calls — about 15 percent of call volume — helping callers seeking financial assistance after Irma and Harvey or looking for loved ones. Also in partnership with the American Red Cross, the Citi Foundation supported ongoing relief and recovery efforts for 3,000 families in Bangladesh following floods that engulfed the northern region of the country. In January 2018, Bangladesh also experienced historically low temperatures that badly disrupted the lives of many, particularly low-income individuals, children and the elderly. In response, Citi Bangladesh donated 1,000 blankets to Prothom Alo Trust, the organization leading a country- wide relief effort. The earthquakes in Mexico in September 2017 affected over 170,000 families whose houses were destroyed or damaged. Fomento Social Banamex, which leads our philanthropic efforts in Mexico in close coordination with the Citi Foundation, opened accounts to allow the public to contribute to reconstruction efforts and partnered with other corporations and private foundations to match the funds raised. By the end of 2017, Fomento Social Banamex had received more than $5 million in public donations and matched those funds, with the support of partners, to contribute more than $10.6 million to support rebuilding efforts throughout 2018. These efforts will produce 2,500 homes, three public schools and three public markets. Contributions will also help to support the economic recovery of impacted communities, providing 500 kitch- ens and ovens for microentrepreneurs in the food industry and conducting 11 folk art workshops to help artists recover and expand their businesses. These disasters impacted not only the communities where we live and work, but also our employees and clients. Citi offered fee waivers, emergency credit line assistance, adjusted rates and access to forbearance programs for mortgage holders to many affected customers. A beneficiary of earthquake recovery efforts in Mexico Citi 2017 Global Citizenship Report 97 CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION    HOW WE DO BUSINESS    SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT     APPENDICES Environmental Finance    Inclusive and Resilient Communities