
• Broad investor pool consisting of both global institutional and retail investors. • Open capital accounts which allow the free flow of capital and speculation. • Broad product range including currency and derivatives. • Robust execution venues including international or regional exchanges and trading platforms. • Associate securities infrastructure including clearing houses, settlement platforms and securities administration, i.e. central depository and custody services. • Advanced professional services providers including law, accounting, and consultancy firms as well as digital and fintech companies. • Simple corporate tax regime. • Administrative simplicity in terms of registry and licensing, employee mobility, cross-border activities, etc. 3. Infrastructure Given the way financial institutions work, a successful IFC needs to have a strong and resilient infrastructure to support 24/7 business needs as well as individuals who work in the industry. The expectation of what a successful IFC requires is illustrated in Table 2. Table 2: Key infrastructure of a successful IFC Infrastructure Requirements Transport • Modern, integrated transport network • Easily accessible air links • Well-served airports or sea links with adequate capacity • Rail network to ease road congestion as vehicle ownership increases • Efficient and regular public transport services Real estate • Adequate housing supply to prepare for worker influx at reasonable cost • Affordable, high-specification office space • Hotels with business facilities • Recreational infrastructure and green spaces Utilities and support infrastructure • Uninterrupted energy supply • Ready supply of clean water • Availability of back-up and disaster recovery facilities • Well-functioning sanitation system • Sustainability of infrastructure (e.g, low carbon footprint, renewable energy) IT and telecoms • Reliable, high-speed broadband internet and telephone connections • Supported 24-hour trading systems • Enabled real time information transfer • Mobile and fixed line international telephone network coverage 14 What Makes a Successful IFC?