
Time to harness the power of innovation Developing countries face a wide range of challenges, from climate change to financial inclusion. While not a panacea, new technologies — ranging from the application of digital identities and big data to new types of currencies such as CBDCs — can do much to help accelerate economic growth and help countries to achieve their SDGs. Developing an innovation strategy, as well as improving skills and delivering access to finance, is challenging for many developing countries. However, technology when harnessed for positive impact for all can be a powerful asset as governments digitize their economies. Citi has a proven track record in helping governments, public and development sector entities around the world to deploy innovative and effective technologies: co-creation is an especially powerful tool to catalyze innovation, and can help countries to map digital innovation to the 2030 SDGs. It is possible to harness technology and strategic partnerships between the public and private sectors to create long-term solutions that deliver sustainable development. Citi has a proven track record in helping governments, public and development sector entities around the world to deploy innovative and effective technologies: co-creation is an especially powerful tool to catalyze innovation, and can help countries to map digital innovation to the 2030 SDGs. It is possible to harness technology and strategic partnerships between the public and private sectors to create long-term solutions that deliver sustainable development. Citi Perspectives for the Public Sector 63