Emerging Markets Rates and Currencies Handbook

FX Spot FX Forwards NDFs FX Options Interest Rate Swap Interest Rate Options XCCY swaps Market Overview Availability of the instrument Volume (MM USD Daily) Max Tenor (Or Typical Tenor For Spot) Typical Deal Size (MM USD)  250 - 750 T+2 5 – 25  500 - 1750 5 years 5 – 25  on demand 1 year 1– 5  25 - 100 5 years 5 – 25  on demand 15 years DV01 25-50k  on demand 15 years DV01 10-20k  on demand 15 years DV01 25-50k CitiFX Pulse Capabilities   ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ Source: Citi indicative information Market opening hours and liquidity during the day Fixing Daily 14.15 CET time for the snapshot of currencies. Most important EURCZK CNB Currency and USDCZK CNB Currency Bloomberg ticker. Regulation Offshore Restrictions: Onshore entity (e.g. resident corporate) is permitted to transact FX with an offshore entity (e.g. offshore bank). No local restrictions/regulations. No trading allowances. CZK is fully convertible. No constraints, no restrictions there. Non-Resident Restrictions: Non-resident (e.g. non-resident corporate) is permitted to transact FX with an onshore entity (e.g. onshore bank). No permission needed for non-residents transactions. No special requirements. License Requirements All clients dealing OTC derivatives with MIFID II professional status must have an active LEI number (Legal entity identifier) requested by European ESMA regulator. Outright Forward FX: FX FWDS, SWAPS and other derivatives — Treasury Master agreement/ISDA has to be signed between counterparties. Requirements to open a foreign currency account No special requirements to open FCY account, FCY account can be credited/debited with local currency. Deal Management Rollover: All types are permitted Mark-to-Market. Can be either Net or Gross based on client’s preference. Unwinding: All types are permitted Mark-to-Market. Can be either Net or Gross based on client’s preference. Early Maturity: All types are permitted Mark-to-Market. Can be either Net or Gross based on client’s preference. Documentation Requirements Up to FX Spot: No documentation required. Outright Forward FX: FX FWDS, SWAPS and other derivatives. Treasury Master agreement/ISDA has to be signed between counterparties. Client has to prove active LEI number. Trade Flows No local law documentation requirements. Capital Flow and FDI No local law documentation requirements. Additional Comments Under Act No. 240/2000 Coll., the Crisis Act, as amended, if a state of emergency has been declared, the Czech Government may adopt certain measures such as the suspension of any payments from the Czech Republic abroad or from abroad to the Czech Republic for the period of such state of emergency. Other measures include suspension of payment in other currency than CZK and suspension of payments to accounts owned by foreign entities.