Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services Bite-Sized Issue 11 2023

Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services Bite-Sized | Issue 11 | 2023 14 Publication Release Date Link International International Capital Market Association release new paper on Market Integrity and Greenwashing Risks in Sustainable Finance 10 October 2023 Link to Paper here Annual Report highlights FSB’s work to assess and address vulnerabilities in the global financial system 11 October 2023 Link to FSB Annual Report here BIS Working Papers: Big techs in finance 17 October 2023 Link to Working Paper here Asia Australia: ASIC publishes its Annual Report for 2022-23 13 October 2023 Link to Press Release here HKMA: Circular on distributors providing additional returns and other services or arrangements when marketing SFC-authorised funds 24 October 2023 Link to Full Document here SFC welcomes Chief Executive’s initiatives to enhance Hong Kong’s IFC status 25 October 2023 Link to Press Release here SFC publish Circular on Disclosure/Use of Annualised Returns for Money Market Funds 25 October 2023 Link to Circular here HKMA publishes the “e-HKD Pilot Programme Phase 1 Report” 30 October 2023 Link to Press Release here SFC supports and sponsors the development of an industry-led voluntary code of conduct for ESG ratings and data products providers 31 October 2023 Link to Press Release here SFC consults further on proposed amendments for implementing an uncertificated securities market 31 October 2023 Link to Press Release here North America Opening Remarks of CFTC Commissioner Kristin N. Johnson at CFTC’s Technology and Fraud Virtual Event: The Increasing Influence of Social Media and AI Technologies in Individual Investor Decisions 4 October 2023 Link to Opening Remarks here Keynote Remarks by CFTC Commissioner Kristin N. Johnson – Credibility, Integrity, Visibility: The CFTC’s Role in the Oversight of Carbon Offset Markets 5 October 2023 Link to Keynote Remarks here Speech by Commissioner Caroline A. Crenshaw to the Centre for American Progress: In-securities: What Happens When Investors in an Important Market are not Protected? 11 October 2023 Link to Speech here CFTC releases Enforcement Advisory on Penalties, Monitors and Admissions 17 October 2023 Link to Press Release here Keynote of Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero on The Power of Representation and Financial Inclusion in the American Dream 18 October 2023 Link to Speech here SEC Proposes Rule to Address Volume-Based Exchange Transaction Pricing for NMS Stocks 18 October 2023 Link to Proposed Rule here Remarks by SEC Chair Gary Gensler before the 2023 Securities Enforcement Forum: Partners of Honest Business and Prosecutors of Dishonesty 25 October 2023 Link to Remarks here President Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence 30 October 2023 Link to White House Fact Sheet here Europe ESAs publish Joint Committee Work Programme for 2024 4 October 2023 Link to Work Programme here Report on the DLT Pilot Regime – Study on the extraction of transaction data 5 October 2023 Link to Report here Report on the DLT Pilot Regime – Study on how financial instrument transactions are registered in various Distributed Ledger Technologies 5 October 2023 Link to Report here European Parliaments ECON publishes draft reports on Retail Investment Package 5 October 2023 Link to Draft Omnibus Directive here Link to Draft PRIIPs Regulation here ESMA: MiCA White Papers Proof of Concept 5 October 2023 Link to MiCA White Papers here ESMA provides analysis on issuers’ potential benefits from an ESG pricing effect 6 October 2023 Link to ESMA Article here European Parliament’s ECON publishes a Draft Report on the proposal for a regulation on the transparency and integrity of ESG rating activities 6 October 2023 Link to Draft Report here Opening Remarks by European Commissioner McGuinness at DG FISMA event: The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation – what next? 10 October 2023 Link to Speech here