Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services Bite-Sized Issue 9 2023

Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services Bite-Sized | Issue 9 | 2023 12 Publication Release Date Link International BIS Paper No 138: Financial stability risks from cryptoassets in emerging market economies 22 August 2023 Link to BIS Paper No 138 here CPMI and IOSCO report highlights the need for central counterparties to have adequate resources and appropriate tools to address non-default losses 23 August 2023 Link to Press Release here FSB invites feedback on the effects of G20 financial regulatory reforms on securitisation 30 August 2023 Link to Press Release here Asia SFC and CSRC reach consensus on introducing block trading under Stock Connect 11 August 2023 Link to Press Release here MAS issues revised Frequently Asked Questions on the Notice on Business Conduct Requirements for Corporate Finance Advisers 21 August 2023 Link to Revised FAQs here MAS Response to Feedback Received on Enhancing Pre- and Post-Transaction Safeguards for Retail Clients 24 August 2023 Link to MAS Response here ASIC release Corporate Plan 2023-2027 28 August 2023 Link to Plan here HKMA Circular: Planning for net-zero transition 29 August 2023 Link to Circular here Remarks by Mr Ravi Menon, Managing Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore, at Interactive Dialogue at the Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS: "Fostering Digital, Financial, and Green Inclusion for MSMEs" 30 August 2023 Link to Remarks here North America CISA, NSA, and NIST Publish Factsheet on Quantum Readiness 21 August 2023 Link to Press Release here Closing Remarks of CFTC Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero as the Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment Annual Conference: A Roadmap for Action on Climate Resilience 25 August 2023 Link to Closing Remarks here Europe ESMA publishes data for quarterly bond liquidity assessment, the systematic internaliser calculations and the CTP calculations 1 August 2023 Link to Press Release here ESMA Working Paper No. 1, 2023: Connectedness among EU investment funds: Insights from time-varying and frequency decomposition spill-over indices 2 August 2023 Link to Working Paper here ESMA Letter to International Sustainability Standards Board on the consultation to enhance the international applicability of the SASB Standards 2 August 2023 Link to Letter here ESMA Letter to International Sustainability Standards Board on the consultation on Agenda Priorities 2 August 2023 Link to Letter here Updated register of authorised European long-term investment funds 3 August 2023 Link to Register here ESMA publishes Guidelines on MIFID II product governance requirements in all EU languages 3 August 2023 Link to Guidelines here ESMA publishes latest edition of its Spotlight on Markets Newsletter 8 August 2023 Link to Newsletter here Regulatory technical standards for the specific liquidity measurement of investment firms under IFD published in the Official Journal 23 August 2023 Link to Delegated Regulation here Luxembourg: CSSF publish Annual Report for 2022 25 August 2023 Link to Annual Report here