Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services Bite-Sized Issue 9 2023

Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services Bite-Sized | Issue 9 | 2023 13 Publication Release Date Link UK Transforming data collection – Data Standards Review with recommendations and Bank of England and FCA response 1 August 2023 Link to Press Release here FCA updates its Digital Sandbox webpage 1 August 2023 Link to Updated Webpage here GFI’s GTAG Final Report on Streamlining and increasing the usability of the Do No Significant Harm criteria within the UK Green Taxonomy 2 August 2023 Link to Final Report here FCA sets out the basis for its joint review of the Advice Guidance Boundary with HM Treasury 3 August 2023 Link to FCA Update here FCA publish Primary Market Bulletin 45 – International Sustainability Standards Board: IFRS S1 and S2 10 August 2023 Link to Bulletin 45 here FCA sets out expectations for UK cryptoasset businesses complying with the Travel Rule 18 August 2023 Link to Statement here GFI’s GTAG: Applying the UK Green Taxonomy to wider policies: the value case and options 21 August 2023 Link to Paper here BoE Quarterly Bulletin 2023: Enabling innovation through a digital pound 24 August 2023 Link to Quarterly Bulletin here FCA publish Revocation of FCA Transition Direction for the Share Trading Obligation 29 August 2023 Link to STO Revocation here FCA publish Variation of FCA Transition Direction for the Derivatives Trading Obligation 29 August 2023 Link to DTO Variation here HM Treasury publish Explanatory Notes to the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 30 August 2023 Link to Explanatory Notes here