Wealth Outlook 2024 - Slow then grow

Glossary 136 Global Supply Chain Pressure Index (GSCPI) is a mea- surement of supply chain conditions. The Index, created andmaintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, tracks variables from several indices in transportation and manufacturing usually related to prices, inventory, and delivery times. ICE BofA US ABS & CMBS Yield Index tracks the perfor- mance of USD-denominated IG asset-backed and com- mercial mortgage-backed corporate debt publicly issued in the US domestic market. Morningstar LSTA US Leveraged Loan 100 Index is de- signed to measure the performance, activity, and key characteristics of the most tradeable loans in the US lev- eraged loan market (see “Bank loans, also known as lev- eraged loans,” above). Index constituents include the 100 largest facilities (i.e., outstanding loans) at any given time in the US, weighted by market value, subject to a single loan facility weight cap of 2%. MSCI All-Country World Index (A CWI) is designed to represent performance of the full opportunity set of large- and mid-cap stocks across 23 developed and 24 emerging markets. As of May 2022, it covered more than 2,933 constituents across 11 sectors and approximately 85% of the free float–adjusted market capitalization in each market. MSCI AC World Healthcare Index includes large and mid-cap securities across 23 DM and 24 EM countries. All companies in the index are classified as being in the Healthcare sector per the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®). MSCI ACWI Total Return Index measures the price per- formance of markets including the reinvested income from constituent dividend payments, considered a more complete representation than a measurement of ap- preciation alone. It’s used as a proxy for global equities. Related indices include MSCI Asia Total Return Index (a proxy for Asian equities), MSCI Europe Total Return Index (a proxy for European equities), and MSCI Latin America Total Return Index (a proxy for Latin American equities). MSCI China Inde x captures large- and mid-cap repre- sentation across China A shares, H shares, B shares, Red chips, P chips and foreign listings (e.g., ADRs). With 704 constituents, the index covers about 85% of this China equity universe. MSCI EM ex China Index (CAD) captures large and mid- cap representation across 23 of the 24 EM countries, excluding China. With 672 constituents, the Index cov- ers approximately 85% of the free float–adjusted market capitalization in each country. MSCI EM Index captures large and mid-cap representa- tion across 24 EM countries. With 837 constituents, the Index covers approximately 85% of the free float–adjust- ed market capitalization in each country. The MSCI India Index is designed to measure the perfor- mance of the large and mid-cap segments of the Indian stock market. With 122 constituents, the index covers approximately 85% of the Indian equity universe. MSCI EM Latin America Index captures large and mid- cap representation across five countries in Latin Ameri- ca. With 113 constituents, the index covers approximately 85% of the free float–adjusted market capitalization in each country. NasdaqCTACybersecurity Inde x tracks the performance of companies engaged in the cybersecurity segment of the Information Technology and Industrials sectors. The Index includes companies primarily involved in the build- ing, implementation and management of security proto- cols applied to private and public networks, computers, and mobile devices to provide protection of the integrity of data and network operations. Russell 2000 Inde x measures the performance of the small-cap segment of the US equity universe. The Russell 2000 Index is a subset representing some 10%of the total market capitalization of the all-cap Russell 3000 Index. S&P 500 Index is a capitalization-weighted index that includes a representative sample of 500 leading compa- nies in leading industries of the US economy. Although the S&P 500 focuses on the large cap segment of the market, with over 80% coverage of US equities it is also an ideal proxy for the total market. S&P 500 Energy comprises those companies in the S&P 500 that are classified as members of the (GICS®) Energy sector. Wealth Outlook 2024