Wealth Outlook 2024 - Slow then grow

Disclosures 141 information may be incomplete or condensed. Any as- sumptions or information contained in this Communi- cation constitute a judgment only as of the date of this document or on any specified dates and is subject to change without notice. Insofar as this Communication may contain historical and forward-looking information, past performance is neither a guarantee nor an indication of future results, and future results may not meet expec- tations due to a variety of economic, market and other factors. Further, any projections of potential risk or return are illustrative and should not be taken as limitations of the maximum possible loss or gain. Any prices, values or estimates provided in this Communication (other than those that are identified as being historical) are indicative only, may change without notice and do not represent firm quotes as to either price or size, nor reflect the value Citi may assign a security in its inventory. Forward looking information does not indicate a level at which Citi is pre- pared to do a trade and may not account for all relevant assumptions and future conditions. Actual conditions may vary substantially fromestimates which could have a negative impact on the value of an instrument. Views, opinions and estimates expressed herein may dif- fer from the opinions expressed by other Citi businesses or affiliates and are not intended to be a forecast of fu- ture events, a guarantee of future results, or investment advice, and are subject to change without notice based on market and other conditions. Citi is under no duty to update this document and accepts no liability for any loss (whether direct, indirect or consequential) that may arise from any use of the information contained in or derived from this Communication. None of the financial instruments or other products men- tioned in this Communication (unless expressly stated otherwise) is (i) insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental authority, or (ii) deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by Citi or any other insured depository institution. Citi often acts as an issuer of financial instruments and other products, acts as a market maker and trades as principal inmany different financial instruments and oth- er products, and can be expected to perform or seek to perform investment banking and other services for the is- suer of such financial instruments or other products. The author of this Communication may have discussed the information contained therein with others within or out- side Citi, and the author and/or such other Citi person- nel may have already acted on the basis of this informa- tion (including by trading for Citi's proprietary accounts or communicating the information contained herein to other customers of Citi). Citi, Citi's personnel (including those with whom the author may have consulted in the preparation of this communication), and other customers of Citi may be long or short the financial instruments or other products referred to in this Communication, may have acquired such positions at prices and market condi- tions that are no longer available, and may have interests different from or adverse to your interests. IRS Circular 230 Disclosure: Citi and its employees are not in the business of providing, and do not provide, tax or legal advice to any taxpayer outside Citi. Any state- ment in this Communication regarding tax matters is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used or re- lied upon, by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties. Any such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayer’s particular circumstances from an inde- pendent tax advisor. Neither Citi nor any of its affiliates can accept respon- sibility for the tax treatment of any investment product, whether or not the investment is purchased by a trust or company administered by an affiliate of Citi. Citi as- sumes that, before making any commitment to invest, the investor and (where applicable, its beneficial own- ers) have taken whatever tax, legal or other advice the investor/beneficial owners consider necessary and have arranged to account for any tax lawfully due on the in- come or gains arising from any investment product pro- vided by Citi. This Communication is for the sole and exclusive use of the intended recipients andmay contain information pro- prietary to Citi whichmay not be reproduced or circulated in whole or in part without Citi’s prior consent. The man- ner of circulation and distribution may be restricted by law or regulation in certain countries. Persons who come into possession of this document are required to inform themselves of, and to observe such restrictions. Citi ac- cepts no liability whatsoever for the actions of third par- ties in this respect. Any unauthorized use, duplication, or disclosure of this document is prohibited by law and may result in prosecution. Wealth Outlook 2024