Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services Bite-Sized Issue 1 2024

Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services Bite-Sized | Issue 1 | 2024 19 Publication Release Date Link International IOSCO publishes a Consultation Report to promote the integrity and orderly functioning of the Voluntary CarbonMarkets (VCMs) (IOSCO/MR/27/2023) 3 December 2023 Link to Consultation here IOSCO publishes a final report presenting supervisory practices across its members to address greenwashing (IOSCO/MR/28/2023). 4 December 2023 Link to Report on Supervisory Practices to Address Greenwashing here IFRS FoundationMonitoring Board welcomes the achievements in the area of sustainability-related disclosure. 4 December 2023 Link toMedia Release here BIS Report on High-level technical requirements for a functional central bank digital currency architecture 13 December 2023 Link to BIS Report here IRSG/ICMA publish Code of conduct for ESG ratings and data products providers 14 December 2023 Link to IRSG/ICMA Code of Conduct here Link to FCA Release here IOSCO seeks feedback on Proposed Good Practices to improve trading venues’ resilience in case of Market Outages 14 December 2023 Link to Consultation Report here FSB outlines work to further increase the resolvability of banks, central counterparties and insurers 15 December 2023 Link to Press Release here IOSCO statement on online harm 15 December 2023 Link to IOSCO Statement here IOSCO publishes its Recommendations on Accounting for Goodwill 15 December 2023 Link to Recommendations here Asia MAS Launches Coalition and Announces Pilots to Develop Transition Credits for the Early Retirement of Asia’s Coal Plants 4 December 2023 Link to Press Release here Singapore and China Enhance Digital Finance and Capital Markets Cooperation 7 December 2023 Link to Press Release here MAS Response to feedback received on proposals tomandate reference checks 12 December 2023 Link to Response to Feedback here Australian Social Impact Investing Taskforce – final report (ISBN 978-1-925364-37-8) 18 December 2023 Link to SII Taskforce Final Report here Link to Impact Investing Taskforce Expert Panel here ASX to explore development of Australia’s first carbon exchange 19 December 2023 Link toMedia Release here HKMA Circular on Consumer Protection in respect of Digital Marketing Activities 20 December 2023 Link to Circular here HKMA Consultation on legislative proposal to implement regulatory regime for stablecoin issuers and announcement on introduction of sandbox arrangement 27 December 2023 Link to Press Release here North America CFTC approves proposed guidance and request for public comment regarding the listing for trading of voluntary carbon credit derivative contracts. 4 December 2023 Link to Press Release here Statement by Paul Munter, Chief Accountant SEC: The Statement of Cash Flows: Improving the Quality of Cash Flow Information Provided to Investors 4 December 2023 Link to Statement here “Exorbitant Privilege: Responsibilities and Challenges”: Prepared Remarks before the Council on Foreign Relations by SEC Chair Gary Gensler 4 December 2023 Link to Speech here Prepared Remarks before the American Bar Association by SEC Chair Gary Gensler: They Are Merely the Agents 7 December 2023 Link to Remarks here Remarks on Digital Engagement Practices, before the Investor Advisory Committee by SEC Commissioner Jaime Lizarraga 7 December 2023 Link to Remarks here SEC Approves 2024 PCAOB Budget and Accounting Support Fee 13 December 2023 Link to Press Release here