Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services Bite-Sized Issue 1 2024

Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services Bite-Sized | Issue 1 | 2024 21 Publication Release Date Link UK House of Commons Report: Edinburgh reforms one year on: Has anything changed? 8 December 2023 Link to Report here FCA publish link for its Consumer Duty webinar: The next steps 8 December 2023 Link toWebinar Replay here FCA Primary Market Bulletin 46 published covering Article 10 UKMAR and ESG Stewardship 12 December 2023 Link to Bulletin 46 here Link to Guidance on environmental sustainability agreements here HMTreasury – VAT Treatment of FundManagement Services Review: Summary of Responses 14 December 2023 Link to Summary of Responses here FCA PS23/19: Margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives: Amendments to BTS 2016/2251 18 December 2023 Link to PS23/19 here Financial Services andMarkets Act 2023 (Digital Securities Sandbox) Regulations made 18 December 2023 Link to SI. 2023/1398 here UK regulators publish latest CBEST thematic report (testing cyber resilience) 19 December 2023 Link to Thematic Report here HMTreasury publishes consultation response on Digital Securities Sandbox 20 December 2023 Link to Consultation Response here FCA: Duty calls: Future-proofing finance for everyone 28 December 2023 Link to Press Release here FCA updates temporary permission regime webpage 2 January 2024 Link to UpdatedWebpage here