Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services Bite-Sized Issue 2 2024

Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services Bite-Sized | Issue 1 | 2024 19 Publication Release Date Link International BCBS-CPMI-IOSCO publish consultative report on transparency and responsiveness of initial margin in centrally clearedmarkets 16 January 2024 Link to Consultation here 320 companies and financial institutions to start TNFD nature-related corporate reporting 17 January 2024 Link to Announcement here BCBS-IOSCO report on recommendations for goodmargin practices in non-centrally clearedmarkets 17 January 2024 Link to Report here Asia SFCCircular: Deferral ofmargin requirements for non-centrally clearedequity options 15 January 2024 Link to Circular here ASIC proposes to remake managed investment scheme legislative instruments 19 January 2024 Link to Announcement here Speech by Joe Longo, Chair, ASIC: We're not there yet: Current regulation around AI may not be sufficient 31 January 2024 Link to Speech here North America SEC adopts rules to enhance investor protections relating to SPACs, shell companies, and projections 24 January 2024 Link to Rule Details here Link to Fact Sheet here Link to Statement by Chair Gary Gensler here Link to Statement by Commissioner Hester M. Peirce here Link to Statement by Commissioner Caroline A. Crenshaw here Link to Statement by Commissioner Mark T. Uyeda here Link to Statement by Commissioner Jaime Lizárraga here Europe ESAs consult on draft implementing technical standards specifying certain tasks of collection bodies and certain functionalities of the European Single Access Point 8 January 2024 Link to Consultation here Luxembourg: CSSF publish document on the enforcement of the 2023 annual reports published by issuers subject to the Transparency Law 8 January 2024 Link to the Report here ESMA publishes manual on post-trade transparency under MiFID II/ MiFIR 8 January 2024 Link toManual here ECB publishes Working Paper No.2888 - Central Bank Digital Currency: When price and bank stability collide 15 January 2024 Link toWorking Paper No. 2888 here Speech by Piero Cipollone, Executive BoardMember, ECB: One step ahead: protecting the cyber resilience of financial infrastructures 17 January 2024 Link to Speech here ECB publishes report assessing alignment of European banking sector with EU climate objectives 23 January 2024 Link to Report here European Commission report on the macroprudential review for credit institutions, the systemic risks relating to Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries and their interconnectedness with credit institutions 24 January 2024 Link to Report here EBA seeks inputs from credit institutions on the classificationmethodologies for exposures to ESG risks 29 January 2024 Link to Press Release here UK FCA publishes webinar: Consumer Duty: The next steps 5 January 2024 Link toWebinar here FCA updates Rule Review Framework webpage 10 January 2024 Link toWebpage here FCA establishes industry-ledWorking Group focused on building capability in sustainable finance across the financial advice sector 16 January 2024 Link to Press Release here Speech by Nikhil Rathi, Chief Executive, FCA: Leaning in onmaking consumer tech a force for good 23 January 2024 Link to Speech here